Gender Differences in Programming?


The content of this web page formed part of a poster presented at the ITiCSE 2001 conference.  Delegates were presented with four fragments of code extracted from student assessments.  They simply had to determine for each piece of code whether a male or female student wrote it.  Only 25% of respondents correctly deduced the gender of each author. 


Think you can do better?  Take a look at the code displayed here. 


·       Did a male or female student write it?

·       How can you tell?

·       Are you sure?


                      NoDeliveryException, NoCashierException{

           Pump p = f.findPump(myTank.getFuelType());

           // define a variable because expression too unwieldy

           double amount = myTank.getCapacity() - myTank.getCurrentLevel();

           System.out.println("Amount of fuel requested: "+amount);

           System.out.println("Fuel level before delivery: "+


           p.deliver(myTank, amount);

           System.out.println("Fuel level after delivery:  "+


           Cashier c = f.findCashier();




class Pump{

    public Pump(Vector myTanks){

           myTanksList = new Vector();

           myTanksList = myTanks;


    // accessor

    public double getCostOfLastDelivery(){

           return costOfLastDelivery;


    // method to invoke fuel delivery from forecourt tank

    public void deliver(Tank car, double quantityRequested)

           throws NoDeliveryException{

           for(int i = 0; i < myTanksList.size(); i++){

               ForecourtTank ft = (ForecourtTank) myTanksList.elementAt(i);

            if(car.getFuelType() == ft.getFuelType()){

                      costOfLastDelivery =

ft.deliver(quantityRequested, car)*ft.getCostPerLitre();


Related Publications

·        Where have all the girls gone? What entices female students to apply for Computer Science degrees

·        Arresting the Decline: how can we encourage female students back into Computer Science.

·        Gender Differences in Learning to Program.

·        Gender and Programming: what's going on?.