Transactions on Mathematical Software

Table of Contents, Volume 35

Links labeled Abstract below provide access to article pages in the ACM Digital Library containing abstracts, subject indicators, references, reviews, and access to the full text. The BibTeX entry following each title are those found in the TOMS BibTeX bibliography
Volume 35 · Number 1
article 1
(27 pages)
Roscoe A. Bartlett
Bart G. van Bloemen Waanders
Martin Berggren
Hybrid Differentiation Strategies for Simulation and Analysis of Applications in C++.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 2
(20 pages)
Uwe Naumann
Yuxiao Hu
Optimal Vertex Elimination in Single-Expression-Use Graphs.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 3
(22 pages)
Paolo Bientinesi
Brian Gunter
Robert A. van de Geijn
Families of Algorithms Related to the Inversion of a Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 4
(14 pages)
Kazushige Goto
Robert van de Geijn
High Performance Implementation of the Level-3 BLAS.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 5
(16 pages)
Kristjan Jonasson
Sebastian E. Ferrando
Evaluating Exact VARMA Likelihood and its Gradient when Data are Incomplete.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 6
(11 pages)
Kristjan Jonasson Algorithm 878: Exact VARMA Likelihood and its Gradient for Complete and Incomplete Data with Matlab.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 7
(11 pages)
Che-Rung Lee
G. W. Stewart
Algorithm 879: EIGENTEST: A Test Matrix Generator for Large-Scale Eigenproblems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 8
(13 pages)
Osni A. Marques
Christof Vömel
James W. Demmel
Beresford N. Parlett
Algorithm 880: A Testing Infrastructure for Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigensolvers.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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Volume 35 · Number 2
article 9
(25 pages)
Waltraud Huyer
Arnold Neumaier
SNOBFIT Stable Noisy Optimization by Branch and Fit.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 10
(18 pages)
Robert C. Kirby
Anders Logg
Benchmarking Domain-specific Compiler Optimizations for Variational Forms.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 11
(16 pages)
Enrique Quintana-Ortí
Robert A. van de Geijn
Updating an LU factorization with Pivoting.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 12
(28 pages)
Zlatko Drmac
Zvonimir Bujanovic
On the Failure of Rank Revealing QR Factorization Software --- A Case Study.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 13
(12 pages)
Valérie Frayssé
Luc Giraud
Serge Gratton
Algorithm 881: A Set of Flexible GMRES Routines for Real and Complex Arithmetics on High Performance Computers.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 14
(21 pages)
Van Deun, Joris
Karl Deckers
Adhemar Bultheel
J. A. C. Weideman
Algorithm 882: Near Best Fixed Pole Rational Interpolation with Applications in Spectral Methods.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 15
(13 pages)
Hayato Waki
Sunyoung Kim
Masakazu Kojima
Mazakazu Muramatsu
Algorithm 883: SparsePOP : a Sparse Semidefinite Programming Relaxation of Polynomial Optimization Problems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 16
(11 pages)
Víctor Domínguez
Francisco-Javier Sayas
Algorithm 884: A Simple Matlab Implementation of the Argyris Element.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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Volume 35 · Number 3
article 17
(24 pages)
Johan Jansson
Anders Logg
Algorithms and Data Structures for Multi-Adaptive Time-Stepping.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 18
(27 pages)
Dan Gordon
Rachel Gordon
CGMN Revisited: Robust and Efficient Solution of Stiff Linear Systems Derived from Elliptic Partial Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 19
(42 pages)
Jean-Guillaume Duma
Pascal Giorgi
Clément Pernet
Dense Linear Algebra over Word-Size Prime Fields: the FFLAS and FFPACK packages.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 20
(10 pages)
Jean Marie Linhart Algorithm 885: Computing the Logarithm of the Normal Distribution.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 21
(11 pages)
Marco Caliari
Stefano De Marchi
Marco Vianello
Algorithm 886: Padua2D: Lagrange Interpolation at Padua Points on Bivariate Domains.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 22
(14 pages)
Yanqing Chen
Timothy A. Davis
William W. Hager
Sivasankaran Rajamanickam
Algorithm 887: CHOLMOD, Supernodal Sparse Cholesky Factorization and Update/Downdate.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 23
(23 pages)
John B. Drake
Pat Worley
Eduardo D'Azevedo
Algorithm 888: Spherical Harmonic Transform Algorithms.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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article 24
(20 pages)
Frédéric Cazals
Marc Pouget
Algorithm 889: jetf: A Generic C++ Package for Estimating the Differential Properties on Sampled Surfaces via Polynomial Fitting.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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Volume 35 · Number 4
article 25
(20 pages)
Victor Eijkhout
Erika Fuentes
A Standard and Software for Numerical Metadata.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 26
(17 pages)
Alan Taylor
Desmond J. Higham
CONTEST: A Controllable Test Matrix Toolbox for MATLAB.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 27
(23 pages)
Timothy A. Davis
William W. Hager
Dynamic Supernodes in Sparse Cholesky Update/downdate and Triangular Solves.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 28
(32 pages)
James Demmel
Yozo Hida
Xiaoye S. Li
E. Jason Riedy
Extra-precise Iterative Refinement for Overdetermined Least Squares Problems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
article 29
(16 pages)
Ewout van den Berg
Michael P. Friedlander
Gilles Hennenfent
Felix J. Herrmann
Rayan Saab
Özgür Yilmaz
Algorithm 890: Sparco: A Testing Framework for Sparse Reconstruction.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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