Goal Driven Requirements Analysis of Process Control Systems

Islam El-Maddah

This paper illustrates the component-based development of process control requirements using the GOPCSD (goal-oriented process control systems design) tool. In GOPCSD, we use components, variables, agents and goal-models to model and structure the requirements of process control systems in terms of goal-models; the supporting tool offers a library of frequently used components and general templates describing components, variables, agents and goal-models to reduce the effort required to build applications. A production cell case study is examined to illustrate the power of the GOPCSD tool in interactively guiding the systems engineer to build, analyse and correct the goal-oriented requirements and to catch requirements bugs as early as possible. After correcting the requirements, the tool automatically generates a B specification for the corrected requirements. Finally, we compare our method with related methods and draw conclusions and directions for future work.