How to write this book ("Now it's your turn")

You have good ideas which others may find useful, but how will you make them available?


This bundle provides a mechanism for the capture and presentation of good practice in Computing projectwork.

The way it works is having seen the way that pieces of practice are abstracted from their context to make them easy for other practitioners to adopt, use the form of a bundle to identify and reflect on your own good practices. This is in itself useful.

If you think in terms of the phrases which introduce each section of a bundle they should act as levers to help extract the core features of your practice from its context - as well as making them visible and more accessible to others.

If you then write them down, you have a bundle which can be shared.

It works better if the title is relevant and memorable. It works better if the problem statement rings bells with your audience and the solution statement really is a solution to that problem. It also works better if the body of your bundle gives enough detail to give the reader confidence that they can use your practice, but not so much that it binds the solution to your context only.

It doesn't work if you don't then publish your bundle.


So: use this format to capture your practice and put it on the web page: