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output = title ++ captions ++ concat (map line [1..20])

title = cjustify 60 "A TABLE OF POWERS" ++ "\n\n"

captions = format "N" ++ concat (map caption [2..5]) ++ "\n"

caption i = format ("N^" ++ shownum i)

format = rjustify 12

line n = concat [format (show(n^i)) | i<-[1..5]] ++ "\n"

This prints a table of powers 2 to 5 of the numbers 1 to 20. To see the table, say

the result looks like this:
                     A TABLE OF POWERS                      

           N         N^2         N^3         N^4         N^5
           1           1           1           1           1
           2           4           8          16          32
           3           9          27          81         243
           4          16          64         256        1024
           5          25         125         625        3125
           6          36         216        1296        7776
           7          49         343        2401       16807
           8          64         512        4096       32768
           9          81         729        6561       59049
          10         100        1000       10000      100000
          11         121        1331       14641      161051
          12         144        1728       20736      248832
          13         169        2197       28561      371293
          14         196        2744       38416      537824
          15         225        3375       50625      759375
          16         256        4096       65536     1048576
          17         289        4913       83521     1419857
          18         324        5832      104976     1889568
          19         361        6859      130321     2476099
          20         400        8000      160000     3200000

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