dbdc homework for 28th May

Things to do this month …

Peer Review

This month, we’ll be doing our third round of peer-review. Check out whose work you are reviewing from the peer-review pairs document.

Guidelines for what we’re looking for at this third stageare in the password-protected section of the website, and attached here. This time, the guidelines are not Commons-specific, but are a set widely used for evaluating teaching portfolios. You may be interested in where these guidelines come from, and other materials the Peer Review of Teaching Project has generated. See: http://www.courseportfolios.org

As usual, make sure you do your review before you come to the Commons in May, as there’ll be time dedicated to individual feedback and discussion.

Developing criteria for a Good Portfolio

As we near “complete first draft” stage, during the May session we’ll be taking a more holistic view of the portfolios, talking about: