A UI Pattern Form, devised at INTERACT'99

Components of the Pattern Form Commentary
Name Should encapsulate the pattern's intent. Ideally, short and pithy.
Sensitizing Example A concrete example of implementation of the pattern.

In Alexander, the photograph conveys this example of implementation, in GoF patterns it is the code sample. We took it that the purpose of these components is to sensitise the reader to the application of the pattern.

"In looking at the photograph, a reaction is invoked. The intention is that the reaction is favourable-"Wow, that's good. I'd like to live there"-and from that point the reader is sensitised so that the information that the rest of the pattern contains becomes more accessible, more useful in a specific implementation". (Fincher, JCMST, 18(3))
Our expectation was that for UI patterns, this example would most likely be a photograph or a screenshot of an interface, or (depending on medium) possibly a video of a task being accomplished.
Problem Statement Normally expressed as a conflict between forces
Body Textual description
Solution Statement Tells you what to do, not how to do it
Technical Representation We considered this to address the audience of HCI experts, rather than users, or experts in other domains (ie the audiences most receptive to the sensitising example).

It differs from the sensitising example in that it should represent the solution less impressionistically and with less potential for ambiguity. A possible medium might be UML

Related Patterns Other patterns which either: are peer to this one, enhance this one or complete this one.
Note: I're reconstructed this from the notes I took at the workshop, so this may itself be a variant on other participants' understandings.