It is not strictly necessary to this argument to accept 1977 and 2003 as the two watershed years in order to understand that early on, software practice emerged into an era of scientific verification of its results. And later computer science itself became an alibi for the obvious damage caused by the software professional. At the first watershed the desirable effects of new scientific discoveries were easily measured and verified. Manual labour and the movement of physical objects were no longer necessary to conduct simple information-based activities. Activities such as record-keeping, type-setting, and later mapping and messaging, could be conducted without expensive movement of physical materials or specialised distribution networks. Companies no longer retained vast typing pools or armies of filing clerks performing unrewarding rote work. Human knowledge could be shared freely on open networks. Governments and corporate publishers lost their monopoly on the distribution of information. Political dissidents could no longer be kept silent by physical isolation, or kept under observation by crude wire-tapping. Arts and entertainments did not need to be realised by specially crafted fixed-function devices, and could be made more interactive and stimulating. The positive contribution of modern computer science to individual utility during that time can hardly be questioned. But then computer science began to approach the second watershed. Every year it reported a new breakthrough. Practitioners of new specialties evangelised their new techniques which provided benefits in a few cases. The practice of programming became centered on the performance of professional staffs. Trust in "the next big thing" obliterated good sense and traditional wisdom on software and its construction. The irresponsible use of abstraction spread from professionals to the general public. The second watershed was approached when the marginal utility of further software declined, at least insofar as it can be expressed in terms of the satisfaction of the largest number of people. The second watershed was superseded when the marginal disutility increased as further monopoly by the software technology establishment became an indicator of more suffering for larger numbers of people. After the passage of this second watershed, computer science still claimed continued progress, as measured by the new landmarks technologists set for themselves and then reached: both predictable discoveries and costs. For instance, a few human endeavours faced problems large enough to justify the creation and application of supercomputing and "big data" techniques. On the other hand, the total social cost exacted by big technology ceased to be measurable in conventional terms. Society can have no quantitative standards by which to add up the negative value of illusion, social control, drudgery, isolation, impotence and frustration produced by all-pervading software. The characteristic reaction to the growing frustration was further technological and bureaucratic escalation. While evidence shows that more of the same leads to utter defeat, nothing less than more and more seems worthwhile in a society infected by the growth mania. The desperate plea is not only for more software and more computers, but also for more technology and more research. It has become fashionable to say that where computer science and technology have created problems, it is only more scientific understanding and better technology that can carry us past them. The cure for bad management is more management. The cure for traffic jams is more roads. The attempt to overwhelm present problems by the introduction of more science is the ultimate attempt to solve a crisis by escalation. [Based on passages from Illich's "Tools for Conviviality".]