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Class jcsp.util.buildingblocks.Times


public final class Times
extends Object
implements CSProcess

Process Diagram

    in1  _______
   -->--|       | out
    in2 | Times |-->--


The Times class is a process which has an infinite loop that waits a Object of type Number to be sent down each of the in1 and in2 Channels. The process then calculates the Times operation on the intValue() of the two Numbers then write the result as a new Integer down the out Channel.

Channel Protocols

Input Channels
in1,in2 java.lang.Number Both Channels can accept data from any subclass of Number. It is possible to send Floats down one channel and Integers down the other. However all values will be converted to ints.
Output Channels
out java.lang.Integer The output will always be of type Integer.


The following example shows how to use the Times process in a small program. The program also uses some of the other building block processes. The program generates a sequence of numbers and squares them and prints this on the screen.
 import jcsp.lang.*;
 import jcsp.util.*;
 public class TimesExample {
   public static void main(String[] argv) {
     Channel a = new One2OneChannel();
     Channel b = new One2OneChannel();
     Channel c = new One2OneChannel();
     new Prallel(new CSProcess[] {
       new Nos(a),
       new Nos(b),
       new Times(a, b, c),
       new Printer(c)


Constructor Index

 o Times(ChannelInput, ChannelInput, ChannelOutput)
Construct a new Times process with the input Channels in1 and in2 and the output Channel out.

Method Index

 o run()
The main body of this process.


 o Times
 public Times(ChannelInput in1,
              ChannelInput in2,
              ChannelOutput out)
Construct a new Times process with the input Channels in1 and in2 and the output Channel out. The ordering of the Channels in1 and in2 make no difference to the functionality of this process.

in1 - The first input Channel
in2 - The second input Channel
out - The output Channel


 o run
 public void run()
The main body of this process.

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