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Class jcsp.util.ints.PrinterInt


public class PrinterInt
extends Object
implements CSProcess

Process Diagram

  in |              |
 -->-|  PrinterInt  |


The PrinterInt process is an infinite loop which reads an int from the in ChannelInt and then writes it to the PrintStream out.


Constructor Index

 o PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt)
Construct a new PrinterInt with System.out as the PrintStream.
 o PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt, PrintStream)
Construct a new PrinterInt.
 o PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt, PrintStream, String, String)
Construct a new PrinterInt.
 o PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt, String, String)
Construct a new PrinterInt with System.out as the PrintStream.

Method Index

 o run()
The main body of this process.


 o PrinterInt
 public PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt in)
Construct a new PrinterInt with System.out as the PrintStream.

in - The ChannelInt to read the int from
 o PrinterInt
 public PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt in,
                   String prefix,
                   String postfix)
Construct a new PrinterInt with System.out as the PrintStream.

in - The ChannelInt to read the int from
prefix - The String to write in front of each int
postfix - The String to write after each int
 o PrinterInt
 public PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt in,
                   PrintStream out)
Construct a new PrinterInt.

in - The ChannelInt to read the int from
out - The Stream to write the int to
 o PrinterInt
 public PrinterInt(ChannelInputInt in,
                   PrintStream out,
                   String prefix,
                   String postfix)
Construct a new PrinterInt.

in - The ChannelInt to read the Object from
out - The Stream to write the int to
prefix - The String to write in front of each int
postfix - The String to write after each int


 o run
 public synchronized void run()
The main body of this process.

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