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Class test.jcsp.ScrollbarTest


public class ScrollbarTest
extends ActiveApplet
implements ItemListener


Process Diagram

External View

 |                 |
 |  ScrollbarTest  |

Internal View

 |  ___________________                |
 | |                   |               |
 | | Java Event Thread |               |
 | |___________________|               |
 |         |                           |
 |         v configure                 |
 |  _______|_________         _______  |
 | |                 | event |       | |
 | | ActiveScrollbar |--->---|       | |
 | |_________________|       |_______| |
 |                                     |
 |                       ScrollbarTest |


The ScrollbarTest Applet has two processes an instance of ActiveScrollbar and an anonymous process running in Parallel.

The anonymous process has an infinite loop which reads one object from the event Channel and upon receiving the Object displays the value on a Label.

NOTE: The Java Event thread is a process which is created by the Java runtime environment and calls the itemStateChanged method when one of the components the Applet is listening to generates an ItemEvent.

The purpose of this test is to check to see if the events are notified correctly and that the configuration functions correctly.

NOTE: The code for this Applet is not a good example of developing programs using the library, it has been designed to allow the component to be tested without depending on more classes from the library than is necessary.


Constructor Index

 o ScrollbarTest()

Method Index

 o getAppletInfo()
return the name of the applet and author.
 o init()
Initialise the applet.
 o itemStateChanged(ItemEvent)
Handles ItemEvents generated by components this class is listening to.


 o ScrollbarTest
 public ScrollbarTest()


 o init
 public void init()
Initialise the applet.

init in class Applet
 o itemStateChanged
 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
Handles ItemEvents generated by components this class is listening to.

e - The ItemEvent to be processed
 o getAppletInfo
 public String getAppletInfo()
return the name of the applet and author.

getAppletInfo in class Applet

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