@Article{Fu:2014:AMT, author = "Zhixing Fu and Luis F. Gatica and Francisco-Javier Sayas", title = "Algorithm 949: MATLAB tools for HDG in Three Dimensions", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software", accepted = "28 July 2014", volume = "41", number = "3", upcoming = "true", abstract = " In this article we provide some MATLAB tools for efficient vectorized implementation of the Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin for linear variable coefficient reaction-diffusion problems in polyhedral domains. The resulting tools are modular and include enhanced structures to deal with convection-diffusion problems, plus several projection operators and the postprocessing implementation that is necessary to realize the superconvergence property of the method. Loops over the elements are exclusively local and, as such, have been parallelized.", }