@Article{Gautschi:2015:AER, author = "Walter Gautschi", title = "Algorithm 957: Evaluation of the Repeated Integral of the Coerror Function by Half-range {Gauss}–{Hermite} Quadrature", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software", volume = "42", number = "1", accepted = "7 February 2015", upcoming = "true", abstract = " Nonstandard Gaussian quadrature is applied to evaluate the repeated integral $\i^n$erfc\,$x$ of the coerror function for $n\in\N_0$, $x\in\R$ in an appropriate domain of the $(n,x)$-plane. Relevant software in Matlab is provided, in particular two routines evaluating the function to an accuracy of twelve resp. thirty decimal digits.", }