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CO538 Anonymous Questions and Answers Keyword Index

This page provides a keyword index to questions and answers. Clicking on a keyword will take you to a page containing all questions and answers for that keyword, grouped by year.

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Keyword reference for fair-alt


Question 75 (2011):

Submission reference: IN2145

In the exam are we expected to implement fair alting if the question doesn't explicitly ask it?

Answer 75:

Nope — if fair-alting is required, it would be asked for (indirectly though perhaps).

Keywords: fair-alt


Question 45 (2009):

Submission reference: IN1846

I'm trying to get my fork process to FAIR ALT over its left and right input channels. I know how to do this with an array of channels, but I'm not sure how to do it with 2 channels not in an array. Can you give any hints?

Answer 45:

See Question 62 (2007).

Keywords: fair-alt

Question 30 (2009):

Submission reference: IN1830

Could I clarify that the only use of a shared channel is that you get a free FIFO mechanism for handling requests? As opposed to implementing a FAIR ALT – this doesn't actually exist does it?. Numerous channels per se aren't bad - it's not we are going to run out of channels? Or is it to declutter things?


Answer 30:

A shared channel writing-end means that the writing processes are FIFO queued to do their writing on that channel – which is fair. If the other (reading-)end is not shared, than the single reader there will automatically provide a fair service to all writers.

The above is simpler than having a number of classic channels (with non-shared ends) from all the writers to a single reader, with the reader having to be programmed with fair-alting logic to provide a fair service. There are times when we have to do this though – e.g. when the protocols on the channels have to be different (although this can usually be overcome with variant protocols and variant protocol inheritance) or when fair service for some channels has to be balanced with prioritised service for others.

You are right that occam-pi does not support the notion of FAIR ALT as a language mechanism. That would not actually make sense, since the notion of fairness only is relevant when many executions of the ALT take place. The question of fairness for a single ALT does not arise. If fairness were introduced at the language level, it would have to be in terms of a loop that services a set of channels – e.g.

    FAIR SERVER i = 0 FOR SIZE in?
      in[i] ? x
        ...  deal with x

which would mean something like:

    VAL INT n IS SIZE in?:
    INITIAL INT favourite IS 0:
      PRI ALT i = favourite FOR n
        VAL INT i.mod.n IS i\n:
        in[i.mod.n] ? x
            ...  deal with x
            favourite := i.mod.n + 1   -- channel just serviced become least favoured

where we have used classical fair alting logic (see Question 62 (2007)).

FIFO servicing of channel inputs is not the only benefit of shared channels. The reading ends of channel may also be shared, which provides for fair distribution of messages from a single writer. And both ends of a channel may be shared, which provides a fair brokerage service for putting reader and writer processes in touch.

As you say, numerous channels are not necessarily to be avoided. After all, each one only requires one word of storage (to hold a reference to a waiting partner – or nil if no process is waiting). But if you can replace an array of channels with one shared channel, that does tend to simplify the picture and associated logic.

Keywords: q7 , fair-alt , shared-channel


Question 74 (2008):

Submission reference: IN1763

I'm a little unsure about question 2b from the 2008 exam paper. It asks for a plex process to muliplex fairly two input channels into one output channel. Would it be safe to assume the input channels are from an array and so write the process something like this :

  PROC plex ([]CHAN INT in?, CHAN INT out!)
      ALT i = 0 FOR 2 
        INT x:
        in[i] ? x
	  out ! x

The process is fair as it loops round, inputting from each of the two channels in turn.

Or would a better answer be to use a PRI ALT and use its guaranteed un-fairness as a way of guaranteeing fairness?

Answer 74:

The code you have there is not fair. It relies on the implementation of ALT being fair, which may not be the case. ALT makes an arbitrary decision, which may be random or fair ... but may not be either. With current implementations, an ALT is neither random nor fair.

Your code is, therefore, not fair. Neither does it "loop around, inputting from each of the two channels in turn". Expanding out your replicated ALT, your code is equivalent to:

  PROC plex ([]CHAN INT in?, CHAN INT out!)
        INT x:
        in[0] ? x
          out ! x
        INT x:
        in[1] ? x
          out ! x

which, of course, is exactly the same as:

  PROC plex ([]CHAN INT in?, CHAN INT out!)
        INT x:
        in[1] ? x
          out ! x
        INT x:
        in[0] ? x
          out ! x

A suitable solution to the two-channel case (and others) does use the guaranteed unfairness of the PRI ALT to construct a fair solution. This can be found in the answer to Question 62 (2007).

Keywords: past-exams , fair-alt

Question 72 (2008):

Submission reference: IN1759

Hello there, I noticed in the 2007 exam paper there was a question on fair servicing / starvation-free processes. Would we need to use the notion of shared channels for a question like this or would you accept answers using a fair-alt ?

Answer 72:

If you're referring to question 1(f), then this is really asking about the fair-alt. The question states "servicing of input channels", which suggests something about the insides of a process whose interface is already defined (multiple channels). So a shared-channel would not be a good answer, unless you can explain (correctly) how shared channels handle fairness. I don't think we've taught you how that works though! [Added later: yes, we have! See Question 62 (2007), about half-way through the answer.]

Keywords: past-exams , shared-channel , fair-alt


Question 62 (2007):

Submission reference: IN1419

I'm just looking over last years exam papers, and a question about fair alting came up.

I didn't think we covered fair alting, at least code wise. I understand what one is, but I havn't seen the code to do so. Was this in the slides, I can't see it?

Answer 62:

Fair alting is how a process provides a fair service to multiple client processes competing for its attention. Writing a process that waits on an ALT (over input channels from its clients) at the start of its cycle does not guarantee fairness. Selection between mutliple ready guards in an ALT is arbitrary, so some clients may be starved of service if they have competitors who always happen to get chosen. Changing the ALT to a PRI ALT guarantees unfairness, with guards (clients) lower in priority order always losing out to any higher up that happen to be ready.

In classical occam, fair alting is a simple technique that uses the guaranteed unfairness of prioritised alting to provide a fair one – we just switch priority ordering each time, giving the guard serviced last time the lowest priority in the next round.

[In occam-pi, however, the need for fair alting has been superceded by the mechanism of SHARED channel-end (specifically, shared output-ends) and protocol inheritance. More later.]

To fair alt between just two channels, unroll the server cycle loop once and use a PRI ALT twice with oppoising priorities:

  WHILE running
      PRI ALT
        a ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'a' message
        b ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'b' message
      PRI ALT
        b ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'b' message
        a ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'a' message

Now, if a message is pending on the 'b' channel, it will either be taken next (if the server process is at the second PRI ALT in its cycle or nothing is pending on the 'a' channel) or it will be taken after at most one 'a' channel message (if the server is at its first PRI ALT and something was pending on 'a'). Similarly, any message pending on 'a' will be taken either next or the time after that. Neither channel can be starved and we can calculate worst case response times by the server for incoming messages (if we know maximum times for dealing with them).

For example, the fork process in the Dining Philosophers' college can be modified as above to guarantee no philosopher starves to death because of ever-greedy colleagues.

[Fair servicing was mentioned several times during the course. For this (2008) year exam purposes, the trivial solution above is all you need to have discovered – though you might as well just read further on to find the fair.fork.0 process that actually applies the above modification. The rest of this answer – on the fair servicing of arrays of channels, fair sevicing via a single channel with a shared output-end, and reflections on mutexes (i.e. "mutually exclusive" locks), counting semaphores and Java monitors – are for interest only. Reading and following the examples below, however, will give you more practice in the ideas of occam-pi concurrency and deepen your understanding – which always helps with exam preparation, :).]

If there are three channels, this approach is no harder but gets a little tedious:

  WHILE running
      PRI ALT
        a ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'a' message
        b ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'b' message
        c ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'c' message
      PRI ALT
        b ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'b' message
        c ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'c' message
        a ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'a' message
      PRI ALT
        c ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'c' message
        a ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'a' message
        b ? ...
	  ...  deal with the 'b' message

The code is exploding! This can be ameliorated by placing the code responding to each source of message inside a PROC, so that the above responses are single line PROC calls. But it's still tedious and gets worse as the number of guards gets larger!

If the server is servicing an array of channels (rather than a set of individual ones), we can wrap the algorithm up neatly, without any repeated code:

  PROC fair.server.0 ([]CHAN SOME.PROTOCOL in?, ...)
    ...  local state variables
      ...  initialise local state
      INTITIAL BOOL running IS TRUE:
      INITIAL INT favourite IS 0:
      WHILE running
	  PRI ALT i = favourite FOR SIZE in?
	    VAL INT actual.i IS i \ (SIZE in?)
	    ...  more local variables
	    in[actual.i] ? ...
	      ...  deal with this message
	  favourite := (favourite + 1) \ (SIZE in?)

On its first cycle, 'favourite' is 0 and the channel priority is 0 .. (n-1), where n is the number of channels (SIZE in?). The channel with index 'favourite' always has highest priority and that moves round each cycle. So, in the second cycle, channel priority order is 1 .. (n-1) 0. Then, 2 .. (n-1) 0 1. Then, 3 .. (n-1) 0 1 2. Each channel will have highest priority once every n cycles. At worst, a pending message on any channel will be serviced within n cycles – and earlier if not all the other channels are pending.

This round-robin prioritisation is not as fair as it could be though. It's possible for channel 7 (say) to have a pending message and for channel 6 to be serviced 7 times in a row before channel 7 is served (e.g. when 'favourite' is 0, channels 0 through 5 have nothing and channel 6 is always ready!).

To fix this, don't round-robin the value of 'favourite'. Instead, as mentioned in the second paragraph of this answer, switch 'favourite' to one after the index serviced last time (which channel becomes least favoured in the next cycle) – a simple modification:

  PROC fair.server.1 ([]CHAN SOME.PROTOCOL in?, ...)
    ...  local state variables
      ...  initialise local state
      INTITIAL BOOL running IS TRUE:
      INITIAL INT favourite IS 0:
      WHILE running
	PRI ALT i = favourite FOR SIZE in?
	  VAL INT actual.i IS i \ (SIZE in?)
	  ...  more local variables
	  in[actual.i] ? ...
	      ...  deal with this message
	      favourite := actual.i + 1

Now, once any channel (say index 5) gets serviced, every other channel that is pending will be serviced before channel 5 gets serviced again. Of course, if no other channels are pending, channel 5 can get serviced again immediately should it become ready. Whatever happens, no pending channel will see another channel serviced twice before it gets serviced – and that's fair!

Having said this, a SHARED channel in occam-pi eliminates the need for these tricks. Simply let all clients of the server share the output-end of a single channel to the server. The server just sees a normal (unshared) channel input-end:

  PROC fair.server.2 (CHAN SOME.PROTOCOL in?, ...)
    ...  local state variables
      ...  initialise rest of local state
      WHILE running
	...  more local variables
	  in[actual.i] ? ...
	  ...  deal with this message

which is a lot simpler! The clients see the SHARED output-end to this service channel and simply CLAIMs it before use. Competing clients will be queued and serviced in FIFO order – and that's fair!

The only downside (to fair.server.1 and fair.server.2) is that all clients must speak the same channel protocol. However, with protocol inheritance, the service channel can carry the union of distinct protocols for each client (but all these protocols must carry a CASE tag):

  PROC fair.server.3 (CHAN SOME.PROTOCOL in?, ...)
    ...  local state variables
      ...  initialise rest of local state
      WHILE running
	...  more local variables
	in[actual.i] ? CASE
	  ...  deal with all message variants

Note: the fair alting servers (fair.server.0 and fair.server.1) may process further messages from its client (or, indeed, any other client it chooses) in the block of code labelled: "... deal with this message". That is not allowed for the shared channel servers (fair.server.2 and fair.server.3) since client messages seeking the server's attention all share the one channel and any further messages from a client will be queued behind other client's messages – so they are not available for immediate input. The effect can be managed, however, by providing a separate channel on which to receive subsequent messages.

[Note on the above note: an assumption is that clients of the shared channel servers only send one message per CLAIM of its shared writing-end. If they held on to that CLAIM and sent more than one message, all messages sent by that client within that CLAIM block will be grouped together and received in sequence by the shared channel server without being interleaved with messages from other clients. However, for many applications the client must relinquish its CLAIM after sending one message and, then, the problem (and solution) in the above note apply. See the philosopher.0 process below for an example of this.]

An example is the fork process from the Dining Philosophers system. As suggested earlier, this can be made to service its competing philosophers fairly by:

  PROC fair.fork.0 (CHAN BOOL left?, right?)
      BOOL any:
        PRI ALT
	  left ? any          -- picked up by left phil
	    left ? any        -- put down by left phil
	  right ? any         -- picked up by right phil
	    right ? any       -- put down by right phil
        PRI ALT
	  right ? any         -- picked up by right phil
	    right ? any       -- put down by right phil
	  left ? any          -- picked up by left phil
	    left ? any        -- put down by left phil

which is neat enough! Doing this with via a shared channel (on which both philosophers try to pick it up) means that we need a separate channel for the release – as opposed to the above, where each philosopher uses the same channel for pick up and release. The code for this server becomes very trivial:

  PROC fair.fork.1 (CHAN BOOL pick.up?, put.down?)
      BOOL any:
        pick.up ? any         -- get picked up by someone
	put.down ? any        -- get put down by that same someone

Note: this fair.fork.1 process is, in fact, a general (and fair) mutex, sometimes known as a binary semaphore. So, the channels pick.up and put.down might be better renamed, respectively, acquire and release.

With fair.fork.1, the code for the clients (the philosophers) is slightly harder. For one thing, they now need two channels (both shared by other philosphers) to each fork – instead of one. And they have to make a CLAIM on those channels before they can use them. Here it is:

  PROC philosopher.0 (SHARED CHAN BOOL pick.up.left!, put.down.left!,
		      SHARED CHAN BOOL pick.up.right!, put.down.right!,
	...  thinking
	...  hungry, get past security
	  CLAIM pick.up.left!              -- pick up
	    pick.up.left ! any             -- forks
	  CLAIM pick.up.right!             -- in
	    pick.up.right ! any            -- parallel
	...  eating
	  CLAIM put.down.left!             -- put down
	    put.down.left ! any            -- forks
	  CLAIM put.down.right!            -- in
	    put.down.right ! any           -- parallel
	...  leaving, let security know

[Note: it's because we insist that the philosopher picks up its forks in parallel that it must relinquish its CLAIM on the pick-up channels immediately after using them – it needs to know when both events have happened (so that it can eat) and, for that, both parallel actions (inlcuding the claims) have to terminate.]

A final thought: if we didn't mind programming the philosophers to pick up their forks serially (and, with the security guard refusing entry to all five at the same time, this is safe), we could do things even more simply. CLAIMing a shared channel-end grabs a mutex lock implemented by the occam-pi run-time. We could just use CLAIMs on those shared channel-ends as pre-requisites for eating and never actually send messages over the channels at all:

  PROC philosopher.1 (SHARED CHAN BOOL pick.up.left!, put.down.left!,
		      SHARED CHAN BOOL pick.up.right!, put.down.right!,
	...  thinking
	...  hungry, get past security
	CLAIM pick.up.left!
	  CLAIM pick.up.right!
	    ...  eating
	...  leaving, let security know

Making each CLAIM models grabbing the fork – only one philosopher can succeed at a time. Exiting the CLAIM block models putting the fork back – another philosopher may now grab it. We now don't need any fork processes at all – just the pick-up/put-down channels, whose receiving ends may be safely left dangling (since nothing ever gets sent down them!).

The above is, however, slightly clever programming and that can quickly lead to tears. Note that making a CLAIM on a SHARED channel-end and not using it in the claim block is exactly the semantics Java offers from its monitor concept:

  Java:                             occam-pi:

  synchronize (someObject) {        CLAIM some.channel!
    ...  stuff                        ...  stuff (don't use some.channel!)

However, nested monitor locks – like nested channel claims – do not always give us what we want. Hence, from Java 1.5 onwards, Java gives us a java.util.concurrent.Semaphore class whose acquire and release methods give more flexible orderings of use (and, of course, more ways for them to be mis-used) than monitor locks.

The fair.fork.1 process above (which should be renamed to mutex) gives us the same flexibility. For interest, here is a fair counting semaphore process in occam-pi:

  --* This is a counting semaphore providing a fair acquisition service.
  --  The other ends of the acquire and release channels must be SHARED
  --  amongst all user processes.  To acquire this semaphore, CLAIM the
  --  acquire channel and send TRUE down it.  To release, CLAIM the release
  --  channel and send TRUE.
  --  Warning: this semaphore must first be acquired before being released.
  --  Releasing a semaphore before acquiring it will lead to deadlock.
  --  Forgetting to release an acquired semaphore will also lead to deadlock.
  -- @param n The number of processes allowed to hold this semaphore
  --          at the same time (must be greater than zero).
  -- @param acquire The channel to acquire this semaphore.
  -- @param release The channel to release this semaphore.
  PROC semaphore (VAL INT n, CHAN BOOL acquire?, release?)
    INITIAL INT count IS n:
      BOOL any:
	(count > 0) & acquire ? any
	  count := count - 1
	release ? any
	  count := count + 1

Finally, note that the security guard in the Dining Philosophers' college can be implemented with the above semaphore, initialised with a count of 4.

Keywords: fair-alt , shared-channel

Referrers: Question 30 (2009) , Question 45 (2009) , Question 72 (2008) , Question 74 (2008) , Question 68 (2007)


Question 44 (2006):

Submission reference: IN1008

Can I just check that something like:

      ALT i = 0 FOR 5
      ALT i = 0 FOR 5

gives a 1/15 chance of selection to each element, or whether its 1/3, then 1/5 for each of the bits of code in the 2nd, if that makes sense?

Answer 44:

The above code flattens into an ALT over 11 guarded processes. Assuming all were ready, this does not give each guarded process a 1/11 chance of selection! That selection is arbitrary. One way to do it would be to choose a ready guard at random. But computing random numbers is expensive! A simpler and legal way to make the selection is to choose the first – or maybe the last. With an ALT, we can say nothing about the likelyhood of selection when more than one guard is ready. See the answer to Question 43 (2006).

Keywords: q7 , fair-alt

Question 43 (2006):

Submission reference: IN1007

I'm having some trouble with my replicated ALT. My display process contains:

      ALT i = 0 FOR 5
        phils[i] ? n[i]
	    pause (50000) -- to be replaced by random delays in phil proc
	    out.string ("Philospher ", 0, out!)
	    out.int (i, 0, out!)
            ...  more stuff

The idea is that it'll pick an arbitrary channel from the phils array but when I run this it always seems to pick 0 for i. I tried replacing the ALT with an alternative block of code using a SEQ to ensure all the channels were producing output, which they are.

Answer 43:

I've no idea why you have a delay in response to a message from one of the philosophers?!! The delay is to model a thinking or eating period in the life of a philosopher – so that (i.e. the philosopher process) is where the delay should be invoked. The code we write in occam-pi really is process-oriented: code that relates to the behaviour of a process always is executed by that process.

[Aside: note that the same statement does not apply to object-orientation. Code that relates to the behaviour of an object might be executed by all sorts of threads of control. Unfortunately, this means that to understand/write the code for one method, we have to understand/write the code for all other methods that operate on the fields used by the orginal method and might be exectued by concurrent threads. Such logic is impossible to scale to the management of complex behaviour.]

Assuming you have no delays in your philosopher code, the behaviour you describe can be explained. At the start of each loop, every philosopher is trying to make a report - their think and eat times are zero. The ALT sees all channels with messages pending and it chooses one arbitrarily. Please note that this does not mean randomly or fairly! Always choosing channel index 0 is quite arbitrary and perfectly legal – you cannot complain.

You need to invoke delays, ideally for random amounts of time within some defined limits, in the philospher process to model its thinking and eating times. Then, there will not generally be messages pending on all report channels each time the display process starts its loop – and the ALT will cope just fine.

By the way, why does your code only receive reports from the philosophers? You may find it much easier to receive reports from all players (the philosophers, forks and security guard) in one replicated ALT (over an array of 11 report channels).

Note: sometimes we really do need to service an array of ALT guards (e.g. channel inputs) fairly – for example, when the server is under stress from the continued pushing of messages by very active clients. In this case, we cannot use a simple replicated ALT. We could try a replicated PRI ALT, but that guarantees unfairness – only channel 0 will be serviced.

However, from guaranteed unfairness, we can obtain fairness. A PRI ALT gives priority to its first guard that's ready – that's first in the listed order, not in time of readyness. Find a way to arrange that the guard serviced last time is the last in the PRI ALT order next time.

Please try to work this out – it's very simple once you see it! The technique is know as fair alting. It guarantees that no pending message has to wait more than (n - 1) cycles of a server process loop before it is taken. This gives us worst case response times in a stressed real-time system.

Keywords: q7 , fair-alt , process-orientation , object-orientation

Referrers: Question 44 (2006) , Question 51 (2006) , Question 51 (2006)


Question 96 (2003):

I'm trying to do a fair-ALT, but there are 11 channels to ALT over and thats a lot of of code! I was wondering is there a way of looping around FOR statements? What I mean is if the first time you write, say,

    ALT i = 0 FOR 5

is there anyway so that the second time I can write

    ALT i = 1 FOR 5

but have it so the 5th iteration loops back to channel 0 (i.e. the one I started on the first time). Sorry if thats unclear.

Answer 96:

I'm not sure what you're asking here -- at a guess you're confused as to the operation of a replicated-ALT. One key idea is that it is a replicator, not a loop as such. Writing:

    ALT i = 0 FOR 5
      in[i] ? x

is equivalent to:

      in[0] ? x
      in[1] ? x
      in[2] ? x
      in[3] ? x
      in[4] ? x

For more information, look in the course notes that describe the ALT, around slide 5-29. The code for a fair-ALT is also given explicitly on slide 10-23, as you have been told many times! Also check out other related anonymous questions, particularly those on alternation and the fair-alt.

Keywords: fair-alt , q7


Question 33 (2002):

Hi, it has been strongly suggested by our seminar leader that we use protocols for the state report channels to the display process. The reports disclose the any change is state from the philosphers, forks and the security guard. Obviously you need to fair multiplex all the philosphers together and all the forks??? However, how can you multiplex three different protocols together??? You can't can you? If not, then I guess we write some display process with three input channels one for each protocol, and work that way.

Answer 33:

Fair mulitplex the philospher reports down to one channel. Same for the forks. That leaves 3 channels, with different protocols, coming to the display process - say a, b and c. To fair-alt those:

      PRI ALT
        a ? ...
          ...  react to the a mess
        b ? ...
          ...  react to the b mess
        c ? ...
          ...  react to the c mess
      PRI ALT
        b ? ...
          ...  react to the b mess
        c ? ...
          ...  react to the c mess
        a ? ...
          ...  react to the a mess
      PRI ALT
        c ? ...
          ...  react to the c mess
        a ? ...
          ...  react to the a mess
        b ? ...
          ...  react to the b mess

Bit repetitive writing the reaction codes thrice ... so make a PROC for each reaction ... just invoke that PROC thrice.

However, simpler-but-more-dangerous is just to have one protocol that all philosophers, forks and the security guard to use - that's 11 channels, all with the same super-protocol, coming out of the college. Plug those into the display and simply fair-alt that!

It's unsafe to use one protocol for all reports - since a fork, for example, could send a philosopher report by mistake! This is the sort of thing that can happen somewhere down the life-cycle of a product during maintenance. However, for this exercise, you will not lose marks for doing so ... so long as, of course, you don't make any mistakes that this approach allows!

Keywords: q7 , fair-alt


Question 27 (2001):

I am having trouble modifing the fork process in the dining philosopher's question. What I want to do is basically have a fair ALTing process going over the two input lines, left and right.

I have already implemented a fair ALTing process in my animate process, but the difference there was that all the input lines were called the same name -- i.e. state[0], state[1] etc., so implementing it there was easy from the definition given in the notes. The problem with the fork process is that the input lines have two distinct names, and so the definition of fair ALTing does not translate as obviously.

What I have tried to do is give them the same name, so in the fork header I have put '[]CHAN OF BOOL in', but I could not get it to work this way after many attempts. My question is: is this the correct way to be going about altering fork?

Answer 27:

There are two ways. One is to create a channel array abbreviation for the two scaler channels - i.e.

  [2]CHAN OF BOOL c IS [left, right]:

Normal anti-aliasing rules now apply - you can't use the names left and right anymore (because you have the new names, c[0] and c[1], for them). But you now have an array of channels and the usual fair ALTing coding (see slide 10-23) can now be applied.

Second way: don't be clever and just write:

      PRI ALT              -- first give left priority
        left ? ..
        right ? ..
      PRI ALT              -- then give right priority
        right ? ..
        left ? ..

Keywords: q7 , fair-alt

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