CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.0-rc7

Class Alternative


public class Alternative
extends Object

This enables a process to wait passively for and choose between a number of Guard events.

Shortcut to the Constructor and Method Summaries.


The Alternative class enables a CSProcess to wait passively for and choose between a number of Guard events. This is known as ALTing.

Note: for those familiar with the occam multiprocessing language, this gives the semantics of the ALT and PRI ALT constructs, extended with a built-in implementation of the classical FAIR ALT.

The Alternative constructor takes an array of guards. Processes that need to Alt over more than one set of guards will need a separate Alternative instance for each set.

Six types of Guard are provided in jcsp.lang:

By invoking one of the following methods, a process may passively wait for one or more of the guards associated with an Alternative object to become ready. The methods differ in the way they choose which guard to select in the case when two or more guards are ready:

Finally, each guard may be pre-conditioned with a run-time test to decide if it should be considered in the current choice. This allows considerable flexibilty -- for example, we can decide whether timeouts shoud be set, channels refused or polling enabled depending on the run-time state of the Alting process.


A Fair Multiplexor

This example demonstrates a process that fairly multiplexes traffic from its array of input channels to its single output channel. No input channel will be starved, regardless of the eagerness of its competitors.
 import jcsp.lang.*;
 public class FairPlex implements CSProcess {
   private final AltingChannelInput[] in;
   private final ChannelOutput out;
   public FairPlex (final AltingChannelInput[] in, final ChannelOutput out) {
     this.in = in;
     this.out = out;
   public void run () {
     final Alternative alt = new Alternative (in);
     while (true) {
       final int index = alt.fairSelect ();
       out.write (in[index].read ());
Note that if priSelect were used above, higher-indexed channels would be starved if lower-indexed channels were continually demanding service. If select were used, no starvation analysis is possible. The select mechanism should only be used when starvation is not an issue.

A Fair Multiplexor with a Timeout

This examples demonstrates a process that fairly multiplexes traffic from its input channels to its single output channel, but which timeouts after a user-settable time. Whilst running, no input channel will be starved, regardless of the eagerness of its competitors.
 import jcsp.lang.*;
 public class FairPlexTime implements CSProcess {
   private final AltingChannelInput[] in;
   private final ChannelOutput out;
   private final long timeout;
   public FairPlexTime (final AltingChannelInput[] in, final ChannelOutput out,
                        final long timeout) {
     this.in = in;
     this.out = out;
     this.timeout = timeout;
   public void run () {
     final Guard[] guards = new Guard[in.length + 1];
     System.arraycopy (in, 0, guards, 0, in.length);
     final CSTimer tim = new CSTimer ();
     final int timerIndex = in.length;
     guards[timerIndex] = tim;
     final Alternative alt = new Alternative (guards);
     boolean running = true;
     tim.setAlarm (tim.read () + timeout);
     while (running) {
       final int index = alt.fairSelect ();
       if (index == timerIndex) {
         running = false;
       } else {
         out.write (in[index].read ());
Note that if priSelect were used above, higher-indexed guards would be starved if lower-indexed guards were continually demanding service -- and the timeout would never be noticed. If select were used, no starvation analysis is possible.

To demonstrate FairPlexTime, consider:

 import jcsp.lang.*;
 import jcsp.plugNplay.Printer;
 class FairPlexTimeTest {
   public static void main (String[] args) {
     final One2OneChannel[] a = One2OneChannel.create (5);
     final One2OneChannel b = new One2OneChannel ();
     new Parallel (
       new CSProcess[] {
         new Regular (a[0], 0, 5),
         new Regular (a[1], 1, 5),
         new Regular (a[2], 2, 5),
         new Regular (a[3], 3, 5),
         new Regular (a[4], 4, 5),
         new FairPlexTime (a, b, 10000),
         new Printer (b, "FairPlexTimeTest ==> ", "\n")
     ).run ();
where Regular (documented as an example in the
CSTimer class) attempts to output an Integer (defined by its second parameter) to the channel (defined by its first parameter) at a regular interval (defined by its third parameter in msecs). If you are using a relatively slow JVM (such as JDK1.1.x), the input channels to FairPlexTime will always be ready. Faster JVMs (such as JDK1.2) are able to clear all input channels leaving the timeout guard selectable. Either way, all channels are fairly serviced and the eventual timeout (after 10 seconds) is processed.

If FairPlexTime had used alt.priSelect instead of alt.fairSelect and a slow JVM is used, the higher indexed channels would not get serviced and neither would the timeout. Try it and see! Notice the different behaviour if you freeze screen output (with ctl-s) and, then, resume it (with ctl-q). The moral is that fairSelect frees us from worries such as the speed of our JVM and its scheduling behaviour.

Sometimes, of course, we need to use priSelect to impose a specific (as opposed to fair) choice that overcomes the external scheduling of events. For example, if we were concerned that the timeout in FairPlexTime should be responded to immediately and unconcerned about the fair servicing of its channels, we could put its CSTimer as the first element of its Guard array and use a priSelect.

A Simple Traffic Flow Regulator

The Regulate process controls the flow of traffic from its in to out channels. It produces a constant rate of output flow, regardless of the rate of its input. At the end of each timeslice defined by the required output rate, it outputs the last object input during that timeslice. If nothing has come in during a timeslice, the previous output will be repeated (note: this will be a null if nothing has ever arrived). If the input flow is greater than the required output flow, data will be discarded.

The interval (in msecs) defining the output flow rate is given by a constructor argument; but it can be reset at any time by sending a new interval (as a Long) down the reset channel.

Note: this example shows how simple it is to program time-regulated functionality like that performed by java.awt.Component.repaint.

 import jcsp.lang.*;
 public class Regulate implements CSProcess {
   private final AltingChannelInput in, reset;
   private final ChannelOutput out;
   private final long initialInterval;
   public Regulate (final AltingChannelInput in, final AltingChannelInput reset,
                    final ChannelOutput out, final long initialInterval) {
     this.in = in;
     this.reset = reset;
     this.out = out;
     this.initialInterval = initialInterval;
   public void run () {
     final CSTimer tim = new CSTimer ();
     final Guard[] guards = {reset, tim, in};              // prioritised order
     final int RESET = 0;                                  // index into guards
     final int TIM = 1;                                    // index into guards
     final int IN = 2;                                     // index into guards
     final Alternative alt = new Alternative (guards);
     Object x = null;                                      // holding object
     long interval = initialInterval;
     long timeout = tim.read () + interval;
     tim.setAlarm (timeout);
     while (true) {
       switch (alt.priSelect ()) {
         case RESET:
           interval = ((Long) reset.read ()).longValue ();
           timeout = tim.read ();                          // fall through
         case TIM:
           out.write (x);
           timeout += interval;
           tim.setAlarm (timeout);
         case IN:
           x = in.read ();

To demonstrate Regulate, consider:

 class RegulateTest {
   public static void main (String[] args) {
     final One2OneChannel a = new One2OneChannel ();
     final One2OneChannel b = new One2OneChannel ();
     final One2OneChannel c = new One2OneChannel ();
     final One2OneChannel reset =
       One2OneChannel.create (new OverWriteOldestBuffer (1));
     new Parallel (
       new CSProcess[] {
         new Numbers (a),                   // generate numbers
         new FixedDelay (250, a, b),        // let them through every quarter second
         new Regulate (b, reset, c, 1000),  // initially sample every second
         new CSProcess () {
           public void run () {
             Long[] sample = {new Long (1000), new Long (250), new Long (100)};
             int[] count = {10, 40, 100};
             while (true) {
               for (int cycle = 0; cycle < sample.length; cycle++) {
                 reset.write (sample[cycle]);
                 System.out.println ("\nSampling every " + sample[cycle] + " ms ...\n");
                 for (int i = 0; i < count[cycle]; i++) {
                   Integer n = (Integer) c.read ();
                   System.out.println ("\t==> " + n);
     ).run ();
The reader may like to consider the danger of deadlock in the above system if the reset channel were not an overwriting one.


Sometimes, we want to handle incoming channel data if it's there, but get on with something else if all is quiet. This can be done by PRI ALTing the channels we wish to poll against a SKIP guard:
 import jcsp.lang.*;
 public class Polling implements CSProcess {
   private final AltingChannelInput in0;
   private final AltingChannelInput in1;
   private final AltingChannelInput in2;
   private final ChannelOutput out;
   public Polling (final AltingChannelInput in0, final AltingChannelInput in1,
                   final AltingChannelInput in2, final ChannelOutput out) {
     this.in0 = in0;
     this.in1 = in1;
     this.in2 = in2;
     this.out = out;
   public void run() {
     final Skip skip = new Skip ();
     final Guard[] guards = {in0, in1, in2, skip};
     final Alternative alt = new Alternative (guards);
     while (true) {
       switch (alt.priSelect ()) {
         case 0:
           ...  process data pending on channel in0 ...
         case 1:
           ...  process data pending on channel in1 ...
         case 2:
           ...  process data pending on channel in2 ...
         case 3:
           ...  nothing available for the above ...
           ...  so get on with something else for a while ...
           ...  then loop around and poll again ...
The above technique lets us poll any
Guard events, including timeouts. If we just want to poll channels for input events, see the pending methods of the various ``...2One...'' channels for a more direct and efficient way.

Note: polling is an often overused technique. Make sure your design would not be better suited with a blocking ALT and with the `something else' done by a process running in parallel.

The `Wot-no-Chickens?' Canteen

This examples demonstrates the use of pre-conditions on the ALT guards. The Canteen process buffers a supply of chickens. It can hold a maximum of 20 chickens. Chickens are supplied on the supply line in batches of, at most, 4. Chickens are requested by hungry philosophers who share the request line to the Canteen. In response to such requests, one chicken is delivered down the deliver line.

The Canteen refuses further supplies if it has no room for the maximum (4) batch supply. The Canteen refuses requests from the philosophers if it has no chickens.

 import jcsp.lang.*;
 public class Canteen implements CSProcess {
   private final AltingChannelInput supply;    // from the cook
   private final AltingChannelInput request;   // from a philosopher
   private final ChannelOutput deliver;        // to a philosopher
   public Canteen (final AltingChannelInput supply,
                   final AltingChannelInput request, final ChannelOutput deliver) {
     this.supply = supply;
     this.request = request;
     this.deliver = deliver;
   public void run() {
     final Guard[] guard = {supply, request};
     final boolean[] preCondition = new boolean[guard.length];
     final int SUPPLY = 0;
     final int REQUEST = 1;
     final Alternative alt = new Alternative (guard);
     final int maxChickens = 20;
     final int maxSupply = 4;
     final int limitChickens = maxChickens - maxSupply;
     final Integer oneChicken = new Integer (1);                 // ready to go!
     int nChickens = 0;             // invariant : 0 <= nChickens <= maxChickens
     while (true) {
       preCondition[SUPPLY] = (nChickens <= limitChickens);
       preCondition[REQUEST] = (nChickens > 0);
       switch (alt.priSelect (preCondition)) {
         case SUPPLY:
           nChickens += ((Integer) supply.read ()).intValue ();  // <= maxSupply
         case REQUEST:
           Object dummy = request.read ();  // we have to still input the signal
           deliver.write (oneChicken);      // preCondition ==> (nChickens > 0)

Contrast the above programming of the canteen as a CSP process rather than a monitor. A monitor cannot refuse a callback when noone has the lock, even though it may not be in a state to process it. In the above, a supply method would have to cope with its being called when there is no room to take the supply. A request method would have to be dealt with even though there may be no chickens to deliver. Monitors manage such problems by putting their callers on hold (wait), but that means that their methods have to rely on each other to get out of any resulting embarassment (using notify). And that means that the logic of those methods has to be tightly coupled, which makes reasoning about them hard. This gets worse the more interdependent methods the monitor has.

On the other hand, the above Canteen process simply refuses service on its supply and request channels if it can't cope, leaving the supplying or requesting processes waiting harmlessly on those channels. The service responses can assume their run-time set pre-conditions and have independent -- and trivial -- logic. When circumstances permit, the blocked processes are serviced in the normal way.

Implementation Footnote

This Alternative class and the various channel classes (e.g. One2OneChannel) are mutually dependent monitors -- they see instances of each other and invoke each others' strongly interdependent methods. This logic is inspired by the published algorithms and data structures burnt into the microcode of the transputer some 15 years ago (1984). Getting this logic `right' in the context of Java monitors is something we have done (n + 1) times, only to find it flawed n times with an unsuspected race-hazard months (sometimes years) later. Hopefully, we have it right now ... but a proof of correctness is really needed!

To this end, a formal (CSP) model of Java's monitor primitives (the synchronized keyword and the wait, notify and notifyAll methods of the Object class) has been built. This has been used for the formal verification of the JCSP implementation of channel read and write, along with the correctness of 2-way channel input Alternatives. Details and references are listed under `A CSP Model for Java Threads' on the JCSP web-site. [The proof uses the FDR model checker. Model checkers do not easily allow verification of results containing free variables - such as the correctness of the n-way Alternative. An investigation of this using formal transformation of one system of CSP equations into another, rather than model checking is being considered.]

The transputer designers always said that getting its microcoded scheduler logic right was one of their hardest tasks. Working directly with the monitor concept means working at a similar level of difficulty for application programs. One of the goals of JCSP is to protect users from ever having to work at that level, providing instead a range of CSP primitives whose ease of use scales well with application complexity -- and in whose implementation those monitor complexities are correctly distilled and hidden.

P.H.Welch and P.D.Austin
See Also:
Guard, AltingChannelInput, AltingChannelInputInt, AltingChannelAccept, AltingBarrier, CSTimer, Skip

Field Summary
protected  Object altMonitor
          The monitor synchronising the writers and alting reader
Constructor Summary
Alternative(Guard[] guard)
          Construct an Alternative object operating on the Guard array of events.
Method Summary
 int fairSelect()
          Returns the index of one of the ready guards.
 int fairSelect(boolean[] preCondition)
          Returns the index of one of the ready guards whose preCondition index is true.
 int priSelect()
          Returns the index of one of the ready guards.
 int priSelect(boolean[] preCondition)
          Returns the index of one of the ready guards whose preCondition index is true.
 int select()
          Returns the index of one of the ready guards.
 int select(boolean[] preCondition)
          Returns the index of one of the ready guards whose preCondition index is true.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Object altMonitor
The monitor synchronising the writers and alting reader
Constructor Detail


public Alternative(Guard[] guard)
Construct an Alternative object operating on the Guard array of events. Supported guard events are channel inputs (AltingChannelInput and AltingChannelInputInt), CALL channel accepts (AltingChannelAccept), barriers (AltingBarrier), timeouts (CSTimer) and skips (Skip).

guard - the event guards over which the select operations will be made.
Method Detail


public final int select()
Returns the index of one of the ready guards. The method will block until one of the guards becomes ready. If more than one is ready, an arbitrary choice is made.


public final int priSelect()
Returns the index of one of the ready guards. The method will block until one of the guards becomes ready. If more than one is ready, the one with the lowest index is selected.


public final int fairSelect()
Returns the index of one of the ready guards. The method will block until one of the guards becomes ready. Consequetive invocations will service the guards `fairly' in the case when many guards are always ready. Implementation note: the last guard serviced has the lowest priority next time around.


public final int select(boolean[] preCondition)
Returns the index of one of the ready guards whose preCondition index is true. The method will block until one of these guards becomes ready. If more than one is ready, an arbitrary choice is made.

Note: the length of the preCondition array must be the same as that of the array of guards with which this object was constructed.

preCondition - the guards from which to select


public final int priSelect(boolean[] preCondition)
Returns the index of one of the ready guards whose preCondition index is true. The method will block until one of these guards becomes ready. If more than one is ready, the one with the lowest index is selected.

Note: the length of the preCondition array must be the same as that of the array of guards with which this object was constructed.

preCondition - the guards from which to select


public final int fairSelect(boolean[] preCondition)
Returns the index of one of the ready guards whose preCondition index is true. The method will block until one of these guards becomes ready. Consequetive invocations will service the guards `fairly' in the case when many guards are always ready. Implementation note: the last guard serviced has the lowest priority next time around.

Note: the length of the preCondition array must be the same as that of the array of guards with which this object was constructed.

preCondition - the guards from which to select

CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.0-rc7

Submit a bug or feature to jcsp-team@kent.ac.uk
Version 1.0-rc7 of the JCSP API Specification (Copyright 1997-2006 P.D.Austin and P.H.Welch - All Rights Reserved)
Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries.