Train Reading



“Train Reading”

(i.e. handed out after the session, to read on the way home)

Friday 7th October 2005

The context of our itp courses: who we are, how we got to be teachers, what it's like to teach in our departments


Friday 11th November 2005

The context of our itp courses: how our itp course fits in with the rest of the provision for the programme, the aims and objectives of the course  


Friday 9th December 2005

The content of our itp courses: what we teach, in what order, where (and what) the important bits are.

An interesting piece of content that shouldn’t violate anyone’s context if they want to adopt it:

Jorma Sajaiemi’s Roles of Variables

Friday 6th January 2006

The instructional design of our itp courses: why we teach in particular ways, what material is suitable for delivery in lectures, what in labs, what via reading, etc.

We all use lectures – although not always for the same reasons. What do we know about this method? First chapter of Donald Bligh’s What’s the Use of Lectures? Intellect Books, 1998

Friday 10th February 2006

Assessments in itp courses: How do we find out what they're learning? What work do we ask them to do? What specific tasks do we ask them to undertake? Oh, and why.     

How much does our underlying belief in what we’re doing affect our work? How explicitly can we examine these beliefs?

Folk Pedagogy, in The Culture Of Education Jerome Bruner, Harvard University Press, 1996

Friday 10th March 2006

itp Evaluation: How do we judge what works? Who cares? That is to say, who are the stakeholders? Us as teachers, yes. But students and institutions, too. Anyone else? What feedback mechanisms are there for us to use?

How and what are we peer-reviewing in our portfolios? Especially, how are we going to make them fit together to say what we want? Lee Shulman Course Anatomy: The Dissection and Analysis of Knowledge Through Teaching in The Course Portfolio: How Faculty Can Examine Their Teaching to Advance Practice and Improve Student Learning, Pat Hutchings ed. American Association for Higher education, 1998.

He’s a psychologist, and uses social science metaphors – do they work for us? Or do we have other, more appropriate, ones?

Friday 7th April 2006

Delivery. What I’m like in the classroom. How I get stuff across (& how I know it works – or not) Debriefing Peer Observation.

What can happen when teaching is a totally private activity. Some of us may wander into bizarre worlds from which there is no return. A cautionary tale.Saved by the Bell by David Jenkins (from Beyond the Numbers Game: A reader in educational evaluation ed. David Hamilton, David Jenkins, Christine King, Barry MacDonald and Malcolm Parlett, 1977)

Friday 12th May 2006

Portfolios First Complete Draft

The Electronic Portfolio Development Process by Helen Barrett, and

Film Editor (adapted from the Wikipedia article of the same name) associated photographs

Friday 9th June 2006

Portfolios Final

Friday 1st June 2007 One Year Later Opening the Door of the Computer Science Classroom: the Disciplinary Commons Tenenberg & Fincher, SIGCSE Symposium 2007

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Page last updated 21st June 2007