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CO538 Anonymous Questions and Answers Keyword Index

This page provides a keyword index to questions and answers. Clicking on a keyword will take you to a page containing all questions and answers for that keyword, grouped by year.

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Keyword reference for mandrake-linux


Question 37 (2003):

I've tried to install KRoC onto my computer at home running Mandrake Linux. I ran the `build' script, so it should be installed according to the installation instructions. But yet it still doesn't recognise the 'kroc' command. Sorry I'm new to linux, what have I done wrong (or more likely not done)?

Answer 37:

You suggest correctly that it's something which you've not done. Before you can use kroc, you need to source the setup file. More than likely, this will be something like:

    mandrake$ source /path/to/kroc/bin/setup.sh

replace `/path/to/kroc/' with the directory where you installed KRoC to -- which will be the source tree if you just hit return at the first question it asks you (about where to install).

Once that file has been sourced, the `kroc' command should work.

Keywords: mandrake-linux , linux

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Last modified Mon May 20 13:50:28 2013
This document is maintained by Fred Barnes, to whom any comments and corrections should be addressed.