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CO538 Anonymous Questions and Answers Keyword Index

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Keyword reference for out.string


Question 4 (2012):

Submission reference: IN2155

From Exercise One:

    out.string ("*c*n", 0, out!) 

What do the "*c*n" bytes mean please? The documentation says this is the string to be returned via out?

Answer 4:

A string literal in occam is almost the same as in Java: text enclosed between double-quotes ("). One difference is the expression of special characters, such as carriage-return and new-line. In Java, these are introduced by the escape-character backstroke (\). In occam, the escape-character is an asterisk (*). So, "*c*n" is a string containing two characters: carriage-return followed by new-line. By the way, to get an asterisk into an occam string, just precede it with the escape-character – for example, "****" is a string containing two characters: an asterisk followed by an asterisk. Here is a list of the common special characters for occam strings:

    *c (carriage-return)
    *n (new-line)
    *t (tab)
    ** (asterisk)
    *" (double-quotes)
    *' (single-quote)

Note: the documentation for out.string does not say that anything is a "string to be returned via out". out.string is not a function that returns anything. out.string is a process that runs for a short while, outputting the string (given in its first parameter) down the channel (given in its third parameter), right-adjusted (i.e. padded with spaces) in the field width (given in its second parameter). The field width is only relevant if it is greater than the number of characters in the string – so 0 is always ignored. The output goes one BYTE at a time, in separate communications.

Documentation to the occam-pi libraries is linked from the "Practical Resources" box on the Moodle page for this course. Here is a shortcut to the course module, which contains the out.string process. This is the library made available to your code by the line:

    #INCLUDE "course.module"

Keywords: q1 , out.string


Question 75 (2004):

Hi, can you talk me through what is happening with the outputs here? Thanks very much.

    string; name.length::name; mark
        out.string ([name FOR name.length], max.name.length, out)
        out.int (mark, max.name.length, out)
        out.string ("*c*n", 0, out)

Answer 75:

This code-fragment is not a valid occam process -- to be meaningful it needs a bit more context (in particular the "in ? CASE" above it, since the line starting "string" is part of the tagged protocol input). As for the outputs: in sequence, this outputs the first "name.length" characters of "name", in a field-width of "max.name.length", then outputs the value held in "mark" (again in a field-width of "max.name.length") and finally outputs a carriage-return/newline pair (strictly speaking only the newline bit is required, so you could just write "out ! '*n'" instead (or "out.string ("*n", 0, out)"). See the course library documentation for a detailed description of these procedures. And the related questions about array-segments for information on the "[name FOR name.length]" expression.

Keywords: out.int , out.string , array-segments

Question 27 (2004):

When I run `./q1' I get the following error message:

    KROC: Range error / STOP executed (signal 4)
    KROC: Fatal error code 1, core dumped
    Abort (core dumped)

Could you give me some hints about what's wrong with my code ?

    out !  BYTE x
    out !  BYTE y
    out !  BYTE z
    out !  BYTE avg 
    out !  BYTE '*n'

Answer 27:

The above outputs will definitely cause the problem. If the value in `x' were 0, this will output an ASCII-null -- which produces nothing on the screen, not the character `0'. If the value in `x' were 65, this will output the character `A' -- since 65 is (I think) the ASCII code for `A'. It will definitely not print out the string "65"! If the value in `x' were 1000, this will crash your program as you cast `x' to a `BYTE' -- occam BYTEs only take values between 0 and 255 inclusive. None of this is what you want!

You cannot, of course, dispense with your casting to a BYTE since the code will not then compile -- you cannot output INT values to a channel carrying BYTEs. That is not what you want to do anyway!

Your `out' channel is connected (from its instance in your `q1' process) to the top-level `screen' channel. To print INT values to such a channel, you must convert them to the characters (BYTEs) coding the decimal digits that we use to represent them. This is not trivial. Fortunately, there's a ready-made PROC in the course library that you can use to do this -- out.int. Suppose we invoke:

    out.int (x, width, out)

where `x' has the value 1234, say, and `width' is 6. This outputs ` ', ` ', `1', `2', `3', `4' to the `out' channel. The `width' in the argument list is the field width -- it outputs spaces before the number to make it that many characters wide (which is useful if you want to print right-justified columns of numbers). Have a look at `examples/test_utils.occ' for examples of using it -- and, of course, the model answers to Q1 from the exercise sheet.

To output strings, there is another library PROC. For example:

    out.string ("hello world", 0, out)

outputs `h', `e', `l', etc to the `out' channel. In this example, the field width, 0, happens to be less than the number of characters in the string -- in which case, it is ignored. If we had use a field width of 20, say, than 9 spaces would have been output first (making 20 characters in total).

Keywords: output , out.int , out.string


Question 31 (2003):

I'm a bit confused about the `out.int' and `out.string' PROCs in `layout.max.chans' in Q4. Are they already defined somewhere, because I can't seem to find them. Or are we meant to define these two PROCs ?

Answer 31:

They are defined elsewhere -- in `course.lib' to be precise, so you must not define them yourself -- doing so will result in linker errors when it finds two copies of each (one from the course library and one from your code).

These two PROCs just write INTs or BYTE-arrays to a BYTE channel, aligning in the given `field' (2nd parameter). Writing `out.string' is easy, `out.int' less so. You can find the code for these on raptor in:


Keywords: out.int , out.string , q4

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Last modified Mon May 20 13:50:28 2013
This document is maintained by Fred Barnes, to whom any comments and corrections should be addressed.