CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.1-rc4

Class ProtocolManager

  extended by org.jcsp.net.ProtocolManager

public class ProtocolManager
extends Object

The ProtocolManager class is a singleton class. See the documentation for the Node class for information on how to obtain a reference to its instance.

A reference to a Node's ProtocolManager allows the Nodes installed protocols to be managed. Installing a protocol server creates a LinkServer that listens on a specified NodeAddressID. In order to connect to a Node's LinkServer, a Node must have a matching protocol client installed in its local ProtocolManager.

When protocol clients and servers are installed, an array of Specification objects can be supplied. These are specifications that the client or server meets. The specifications for a given protocol can be obtained and then used to test whether a set of specifications match a given Profile.

Quickstone Technologies Limited

Method Summary
 org.jcsp.net.Specification[] getAddressSpecifications(NodeAddressID addressID)
          Returns an array of Specification objects that are held for a specified local address.
 org.jcsp.net.Specification[] getProtocolSpecifications(ProtocolID protocolID)
          Returns an array of Specification objects that are held for a specified protocol.
 boolean installProtocolClient(ProtocolID protocolID, org.jcsp.net.Specification[] specifications, Hashtable settings)
          Installs a protocol client so that links can be established to Nodes with LinkServer processes listening on the specified protocol.
 boolean installProtocolServer(NodeAddressID addressID, org.jcsp.net.Specification[] specifications)
          Installs a LinkServer listening on a specified NodeAddressID and holds the specified set of Specification objects against the address.
 boolean removeProtocolClient(ProtocolID protocolID)
          Removes the installed protocol client for a specified protocol.
 boolean stopProtocolServer(NodeAddressID addressID)
          Stops the LinkServer that is listening on the specified address.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public org.jcsp.net.Specification[] getProtocolSpecifications(ProtocolID protocolID)
Returns an array of Specification objects that are held for a specified protocol.

protocolID - the ProtocolID of a protocol
the specifications of the supplied protocol.


public org.jcsp.net.Specification[] getAddressSpecifications(NodeAddressID addressID)
Returns an array of Specification objects that are held for a specified local address.

addressID - a NodeAddressID that should match an address on which a local LinkServer is listening.
the set of specifications that are held against the specified address.


public boolean installProtocolServer(NodeAddressID addressID,
                                     org.jcsp.net.Specification[] specifications)
Installs a LinkServer listening on a specified NodeAddressID and holds the specified set of Specification objects against the address.

addressID - the address on which the LinkServer should be started.
specifications - the specifications to hold against the address.
true iff the server is successfully installed.


public boolean stopProtocolServer(NodeAddressID addressID)
Stops the LinkServer that is listening on the specified address.

addressID - the NodeAddressID on which the LinkServer to stop is listening.
true if, after returning, no LinkServer is listening on the specified adddress.


public boolean installProtocolClient(ProtocolID protocolID,
                                     org.jcsp.net.Specification[] specifications,
                                     Hashtable settings)
Installs a protocol client so that links can be established to Nodes with LinkServer processes listening on the specified protocol.

protocolID - The ProtocolID of the protocol to install.
specifications - The specification of the protocol being installed.
settings - a HashTable that can contain settings that are passed to the protocol's Builder.
true iff the protocol client is successfully installed or has already been installed.


public boolean removeProtocolClient(ProtocolID protocolID)
Removes the installed protocol client for a specified protocol.

protocolID - the ProtocolID of the protocol client to remove.
true iff a matching protocol client has been successfully removed.

CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.1-rc4

Submit a bug or feature to jcsp-team@kent.ac.uk
Version 1.1-rc4 of the JCSP API Specification (Copyright 1997-2008 P.D.Austin and P.H.Welch - All Rights Reserved)
Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries.