Transactions on Mathematical Software

Editorial Policies

The following additional Editorial Policies are relevant to the production of the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.

Submissions by TOMS Editor-in-Chief and Algorithms Editor

The TOMS Editor-in-Chief (EiC) and/or Algorithms Editor (AE) make the final determination of acceptance or rejection for papers submitted to TOMS. This leads to an obvious conflict of interest for papers in which they are an author or co-author. If the EiC and/or AE is (co-)author of a submitted paper the following procedure will be followed.

  1. Papers authored by the EiC should be submitted to the AE. Papers authored by the AE should be submitted to the EiC. Papers co-authored by the EiC and the AE should be submitted to the senior Associate Editor.
  2. The receiving editor will appoint an impartial TOMS associate editor to handle the manuscript, i.e., obtain referee reports and make recommendations regarding disposal of the manuscript.
  3. The receiving editor will serve as the Editor-in-Chief for purposes of this paper, making the final acceptance or rejection decision.