Course Portfolio for Introductory Programming at University of Gloucestershire

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Module Evaluation and Quality Control

There are various mechanisms within the university to provide feedback on modules and help to pinpoint any problems.

•  The Staff Student Consultative Committee meetings provide a forum for student reps to give feedback about any complaints they have received about a module. Typical feedback here relates to some particular problem with a lecturer or a complaint about the amount of assessment in a module.

•  We hand out module evaluation questionnaires towards the end of a module. There is a standard questionnaire that has been tailored slightly for the introductory programming module (see module evaluation form for a sample).

•  The feedback from the questionnaire, the module results and reflections from the lecturer are gathered into a module evaluation report that is shown to the external examiner and presented at the next Field Board meeting (see module evaluation report for an example). This provides an opportunity to discuss any changes that may be needed for the next run of the module.

•  More informal feedback can be obtained from observing the level of attendance at lectures and labs; the engagement of the students; the drop-out rate and the quality of the work they hand in.

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©2006 Vicky Bush