C++CSP2 Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
csp::AltChanin< DATA_TYPE >This class is identical to Chanin except that it also supports ALTing
csp::AlternativeA class for performing ALTs
csp::Any2AnyChannel< DATA_TYPE >An any-to-any unbuffered channel
csp::Any2OneChannel< DATA_TYPE >An any-to-one unbuffered channel
csp::BarrierA barrier that multiple processes can synchronize on
csp::BarrierEndThe "end" of a barrier for use
csp::BarrierErrorAn error that is thrown when the Barrier or BarrierEnd classes are mis-used
csp::common::BarrierSyncerThis process syncs on a barrier a specified number of times, then finishes
csp::BlackHoleChannel< DATA_TYPE >A "one-to-none" channel
boost::noncopyableThis class is used as a parent for all classes that cannot be copied
csp::BucketA bucket is a synchronisation primitive
csp::common::BucketFlusherThis process flushes a given bucket every time it is sent "true" on its channel, and quits when it is sent "false"
csp::BufferedAny2AnyChannel< DATA_TYPE >An any-to-any buffered channel
csp::BufferedAny2OneChannel< DATA_TYPE >A any-to-one buffered channel
csp::BufferedChannelFactory< DATA_TYPE >An implementation of ChannelFactory for buffered channels
csp::BufferedOne2AnyChannel< DATA_TYPE >A one-to-any buffered channel
csp::BufferedOne2OneChannel< DATA_TYPE >A one-to-one buffered channel
csp::Chanin< DATA_TYPE >The reading end of a channel
csp::ChannelBuffer< DATA_TYPE >The base class for channel buffers
csp::ChannelBufferFactory< DATA_TYPE >The base class for all the channel buffer factories
csp::ChannelBufferFactoryImpl< DATA_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >A default implementation of ChannelBufferFactory for use with buffers that have default constructors
csp::ChannelFactory< DATA_TYPE >A channel "factory" class
csp::common::ChannelPoisoner< CHANNEL_END_TYPE >Poisons the end of a channel and then exits
csp::Chanout< DATA_TYPE >The writing end of a channel
csp::CPPCSPErrorThe base class for errors in C++CSP2 programs
csp::CSProcessThe base class for processes, that allows processes to be run in a new thead or the same thread
csp::DeadlockErrorThrown when deadlock occurs in a C++CSP2 program; it is a fatal, unrecoverable error
csp::common::EvaluateFunction< RESULT, FUNCTION >Evaluates a function and sends out the output
csp::common::ExtId< DATA_TYPE >A process that forever performs an extended input from a channel, sending the data out on another channel as its extended action
csp::common::ExtMerger< DATA_TYPE >Merges the data from multiple channels into one, using extended input to prevent buffering
csp::common::ExtSyncId< DATA_TYPE >A process that forever performs an extended input from a channel, and for its extended action: syncs on a barrier and then sends the data out on another channel
csp::FIFOBuffer< DATA_TYPE, _LIST_DATA_TYPE >A FIFO buffer with a fixed maximum capacity
csp::common::FunctionProcess< DATA_TYPE_IN, DATA_TYPE_OUT, FUNCTION >This process acts like an Id process, but applies a transformation to the data before sending it on
csp::GuardAn ALT guard
csp::common::Id< DATA_TYPE >A process that forever forwards an item of data to another channel
csp::InfiniteFIFOBuffer< DATA_TYPE >A FIFO buffer of unlimited capacity
csp::common::Merger< DATA_TYPE >Merges the data from multiple channels into one
csp::Mobile< DATA_TYPE >Templated class implementing MOBILE semantics
csp::common::NotifySender< DATA_TYPE >A process that behaves like Id -- continually reading values and then sending them on -- but with acknowledgements when the message has been sent on
csp::One2AnyChannel< DATA_TYPE >A one-to-any unbuffered channel
csp::One2OneChannel< DATA_TYPE >A one-to-one unbuffered channel
csp::OutOfResourcesExceptionAn exception that is thrown whenever C++CSP2 cannot allocate enough resources
csp::OverwritingBuffer< DATA_TYPE, _LIST_DATA_TYPE >An overwriting FIFO buffer
csp::ParallelHelperA helper class returned by the InParallel() function
csp::ParallelHelperOneThreadA helper class returned by the InParallelOneThread() function
csp::PoisonExceptionThe poison exception
csp::common::Prefix< DATA_TYPE >A process that forwards an item of data to another channel, but starts by sending a supplied initial value
csp::common::ReaderProcess< DATA_TYPE >Reads values from a channel a specified number of times
csp::common::ReadOnceProcess< DATA_TYPE >Reads a single value from a channel into a given (by pointer) location
csp::RelTimeoutGuardAn ALT relative timeout guard, for use in an Alternative
csp::RunHelperThe base class for the various helper classes for the Run function
csp::ScopedBarrierEndA scoped Barrier end
csp::ScopedExtInput< DATA_TYPE >Provides an easy way to perform extended inputs using scope
csp::ScopedForkingA class used to fork processes
csp::common::SeqDelta< DATA_TYPE >A process that forever forwards an item of data to two other channels -- in sequence
csp::SequentialHelperA helper class returned by the InSequence() function
csp::SequentialHelperOneThreadA helper class returned by the InSequenceOneThread() function
csp::SizedChannelBufferFactoryImpl< DATA_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >A default implementation of ChannelBufferFactory for use with buffers that have constructors that take a size argument
csp::SkipGuardAn ALT skip guard, for use in an Alternative
csp::common::SkipProcessA process that does nothing
csp::common::SleepForProcessA process that sleeps for a specified amount of time
csp::common::SleepUntilProcessA process that sleeps until a specified time
csp::StandardChannelFactory< DATA_TYPE >An implementation of ChannelFactory for standard (unbuffered, non-networked) channels
csp::common::Successor< DATA_TYPE >A process that reads a value from its input channel, increments it, and writes it to the process's output channel
csp::ThreadCSProcessA direct sub-class of ThreadCSProcess (except of course CSProcess) is a process that will always be started in a new thread
csp::TimeC++CSP2 uses this typedef to represent times for the purposes of timeouts and waits
csp::TimeoutGuardAn ALT absolute timeout guard, for use in an Alternative
csp::WhiteHoleChannel< DATA_TYPE >A "none-to-one" channel
csp::common::WriteOnceProcess< DATA_TYPE >Writes a given value (passed by pointer) to a channel once
csp::common::WriterProcess< DATA_TYPE >Writes a given value to a channel a specified number of times

Generated on Mon Aug 20 12:24:28 2007 for C++CSP2 by  doxygen 1.4.7