
Reference link menu:

T&L Data Mining

This shows how the overall approach to teaching and learning is applied to the data mining theme.

Resources and Activities

The first port of call for the student is normally the “Resources and Activities” page in the theme block in the “myCourse” VLE. It shows the resources (including the online essential reading text), and links to the practice and assessed activities. The advanced topic forum, whose link is in the theme block, is also indicated. This structure is identical for each of the 5 themes.


Data Mining Resources

The Data Mining link leads to the following page. (This is generated by a PHP acript from the database). This provides a brief introduction etc and links to the learning resources.

Practice Activity

The screen shot below is the home page of a Powerpoint-based activity. As explained this facilitates a self-paced approach. 4 of the 5 themes have a similar Powerpoint-based practical activity of this general design. There are no formal lectures in this unit. However, the Powerpoint format enables further clarification and discussion with either the whole class or smaller groups of students in the class session.


Assessed Activity

This is a screen shot of the assessed activity.
