School of Computing

Delayed switching applied to memristor neural networks

Frank Z. Wang, Na Helian, Yike Guo, Sining Wu, Xiao Yang, Guan Lim, and Md Mamunur Rashid

Journal of Applied Physics, 111(7):4, December 2011 [doi].


Magnetic flux and electric charge are linked in a memristor. We reported recently that a memristor has a peculiar effect in which the switching takes place with a time delay because a memristor possesses a certain inertia. This effect was named the ��delayed switching effect.�� In this work, we elaborate on the importance of delayed switching in a brain-like computer using memristor neural networks. The effect is used to control the switching of a memristor synapse between two neurons that fire together (the Hebbian rule). A theoretical formula is found, and the design is verified by a simulation. We have also built an experimental setup consisting of electronic memristive synapses and electronic neurons.

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Bibtex Record

author = {Frank Z. Wang and Na Helian and Yike Guo and Sining Wu and Xiao Yang and Guan Lim and Md Mamunur Rashid},
title = {Delayed switching applied to memristor neural networks},
month = {December},
year = {2011},
pages = {4},
keywords = {Delayed switching memristor neural network},
note = {},
doi = {10.1063/1.3672409},
url = {},
    publication_type = {article},
    submission_id = {9796_1342535806},
    ISSN = {1089-7550},
    journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
    volume = {111},
    number = {7},
    publisher = {Journal of Applied Physics},

School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF

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Last Updated: 21/03/2014