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The Course

The Web Development degree was initially validated in June 2006 at which time the opportunity was taken to revisit the modules on offer and to adjust or rewrite as required. Before this time BSc (Hons) Computing was the main option. Discussions with local SME (small and medium sized enterprises) demonstrated a growing need for web design skills. The university is now able to offer a mix of named Computing degrees, including Web Development, catering for mainstream and specialised routes.

The aim is to attract students wishing to acquire the creative and technical skills associated with the increased need for 'new media' applications.

The recent Periodic Review has given the team an opportunity to revalidate all courses on offer and to ensure the provision is up-to-date and as relevant as possible in order to address current demands from both students and employers, and was able to take full advantage of staff expertise and areas of research interest. This process was completed in June 2008. Thus the Commons project was completed during a time of flux for the computing portfolio under discussion here. The rest of this portfolio is about the Interface Design module which sits within Level 5 (second year). However, below is an overview of where the module sits within the degree programme.

Level 4

There are a number of mandatory modules for all Computing students. There are also those associated with the specific routes such as Web Development. All Level 4 single honours Computing students have a common set of six modules (from eight) regardless of the degree upon which they are enrolled. This provides students with a foundation of knowledge and generic skills and allows them to make a more informed choice about which computing degree they wish to focus on in subsequent years.

The following table provides web links to short module descriptors which will open in a new window:

There are three Business Management modules which students are encouraged to consider for their Options. If they wish to take all three, it is possible to take one Level 4 module in their second year as one of the Option Modules.

Level 5

At Level 5 all students, irrespective of pathway, take "Computing Research Projects". This module covers the research methods and project management skills required by all computing undergraduates. It informs the preparation for the Level 6 Independent Study as well as preparation for the world of work. All students also take the "Systems Analysis" module. This module builds on knowledge of structured techniques from Level 4 and also introduces an object-oriented approach.

Those taking the Web Development degree have four further mandatory modules as well as a free choice for two of their modules (again making eight). These two option modules can be taken from within the Computing suite or from anywhere within the undergraduate modular scheme, as long as the pre-requisites have been taken at level 4. It is also possible to choose another Level 4 module as one of these options.

The following table provides web links to short module descriptors which will open in a new window:

Level 6

At Level 6 the "Independent Study" (double module) "Nature of Computing" and "Professionalism in Context" modules are mandatory for all Computing students and a further four modules are mandatory for the Web Development route.

The following table provides web links to short module descriptors which will open in a new window:

Nature of Computing Qualitative Interface Evaluation Advanced Multimedia Scripting Independent Study
Professionalism in Context Advanced Web Design E-business Technologies Independent Study

The overall picture for BSc (Hons) Web Development students is represented here. Note the highlighted module is the one showcased within this portfolio:

Modules for BSc (Hons) Web Development