CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.1-rc4

Class ProcessManager

  extended by org.jcsp.lang.ProcessManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProcessManager
extends Object
implements CSProcess

This enables a CSProcess to be spawned concurrently with the process doing the spawning.

Shortcut to the Constructor and Method Summaries.


The ProcessManager class enables a CSProcess to be spawned concurrently with the process doing the spawning. The class provides methods to manage the spawned process: start, join and stop. The spawned process may, of course, be a Parallel network of processes to any depth of nesting, in which case the whole network comes under this management.

Spawning processes is not the normal way of creating a network in JCSP - the normal method is to use the Parallel class. However, when we need to add processes in response to some run-time event, this capability is very useful.

For completeness, ProcessManager is itself a CSProcess - running a ProcessManager simply runs the process it is managing.

Spawning a CSProcess

This example demonstrates that the managed CSProcess is executed concurrently with the spawning process and that it dies when its manager terminates. The managed process is `infinite' and just counts and chatters. The managed process is automatically terminated if the main Java thread terminates (as in the case, eventually, below).
 import org.jcsp.lang.*;
 public class ProcessManagerExample1 {
   public static void main (String[] argv) {
     final ProcessManager manager = new ProcessManager (
       new CSProcess () {
         public void run () {
           final CSTimer tim = new CSTimer ();
           long timeout = tim.read ();
           int count = 0;
           while (true) {
             System.out.println (count + " :-) managed process running ...");
             timeout += 100;
             tim.after (timeout);   // every 1/10th of a second ...
     final CSTimer tim = new CSTimer ();
     long timeout = tim.read ();
     System.out.println ("\n\n\t\t\t\t\t
                         *** start the managed process");
     manager.start ();
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       System.out.println ("\n\n\t\t\t\t\t
                           *** I'm still executing as well");
       timeout += 1000;
       tim.after (timeout);         // every second ...
     System.out.println ("\n\n\t\t\t\t\t
                         *** I'm finishing now!");

Stopping, Interrupting, Race-Hazards and Poison

Stopping a Java thread releases any locks it (or any sub-process) may be holding, so this reduces the danger of other threads deadlocking through a failure to acquire a needed lock. However, if the stopped process were in the middle of some synchronised transaction, the data update may be incomplete (and, hence, corrupt) depending on the precise moment of the stopping. This is a race-hazard. Further, if some other thread later needed to interact with the stopped thread, it would deadlock.

Instead of stopping a JCSP process, it is much safer to interrupt it. This gives the process the chance to notice the interrupt (through an exception handler) and tidy up. If no such handler is provided and the JCSP process attempts any synchronisation afterwards, the process will bomb out with a ProcessInterruptedException.

For historical reasons, a stop() method is provided below – but it is implemented as interrupt() (and deprecated).

If the managed process has gone parallel, managing an interrupt to achieve a clean exit is more tricky. Stopping a network by setting a global volatile flag that each process polls from time to time is not safe. For example, a thread blocked on a monitor wait will remain blocked if the thread that was going to notify it spots the shut-down flag and terminates.

For JCSP processes, there is a general solution to this [`Graceful Termination and Graceful Resetting', P.H.Welch, Proceedings of OUG-10, pp. 310-317, Ed. A.W.P.Bakkers, IOS Press (Amsterdam), ISBN 90 5199 011 1, April, 1989], based on the careful distribution of poison over the network's normal communication channels.

However, JCSP now supports graceful termination of process networks and sub-networks through a notion of poisoning synchoronisation objects (e.g. channels) – see Poisonable.

P.H. Welch, P.D. Austin
See Also:
CSProcess, Parallel, ActiveApplet, Poisonable, PoisonException

Field Summary
static int PRIORITY_MAX
          The maximum priority value for running a process.
static int PRIORITY_MIN
          The minimum priority value for running a process.
static int PRIORITY_NORM
          The normal priority value for running a process.
Constructor Summary
ProcessManager(CSProcess proc)
Method Summary
 int getPriority()
           Public accessor for obtaining the ProcessManager object's process' priority.
 void interrupt()
          Interrupt the managed process.
 void join()
          Join the managed process (that is wait for it to terminate).
 void run()
           Run the managed process (that is start it and wait for it to terminate).
 void setPriority(int priority)
           Public mutator for setting the ProcessManager object's process' priority.
 void start()
          Start the managed process (but keep running ourselves).
 void start(int priority)
          Start the managed process at a specified priority (but keep running ourselves).
 void stop()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PRIORITY_MAX
The maximum priority value for running a process.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PRIORITY_NORM
The normal priority value for running a process.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PRIORITY_MIN
The minimum priority value for running a process.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ProcessManager(CSProcess proc)
proc - the CSProcess to be executed by this ProcessManager
Method Detail


public void start()
Start the managed process (but keep running ourselves).


public void start(int priority)
Start the managed process at a specified priority (but keep running ourselves). The priority of the ProcessManager that this is called upon will remain at the specified priority once the process has terminated. The priority should be specified as an int between PRIORITY_MIN and PRIORITY_MAX.

priority - the priority at which to start the process.


public void stop()

Stop (permanently) the managed process. This method now calls interrupt(), which will not always stop the process.


public void interrupt()
Interrupt the managed process. This will usually cause the process to throw a ProcessInterruptedException, which will likely halt the process.


public void join()
Join the managed process (that is wait for it to terminate).


public void run()

Run the managed process (that is start it and wait for it to terminate). This will adjust the priority of the calling process to the priority of this ProcessManager and then return the priority to the previous value once the managed process has terminated.

The managed process can be run at the caller's priority simply by directly calling the CSProcess object's run() method.

Specified by:
run in interface CSProcess


public void setPriority(int priority)

Public mutator for setting the ProcessManager object's process' priority.

The priority should be specified as an int between PRIORITY_MIN and PRIORITY_MAX.

priority - the priority to use.


public int getPriority()

Public accessor for obtaining the ProcessManager object's process' priority.

the priority at which the ProcessManager object's process will be run.

CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.1-rc4

Submit a bug or feature to jcsp-team@kent.ac.uk
Version 1.1-rc4 of the JCSP API Specification (Copyright 1997-2008 P.D.Austin and P.H.Welch - All Rights Reserved)
Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries.