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EpochX: Genetic programming in Java with statistics and event monitoring
Fernando E. B. Otero, Tom Castle, and Colin G. Johnson
In Proceedings of the 2012 Genetic and Evolutionary Conference Companion (GECCO 2012), Philadelphia, July 2012. ACM Press.Abstract
EpochX is a Genetic Programming (GP) framework written in Java. It allows the creation of tree-based and grammar-based GP systems. It has been created to reflect typical ways in which Java programmers work, for example, borrowing from the Java event model and taking inspiration from the Java collections framework. This paper presents EpochX in general, and gives particular attention to the event model and the statistics analysis framework.
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@inproceedings{3212, author = {Fernando E. B. Otero and Tom Castle and Colin G. Johnson}, title = {Epoch{X}: Genetic Programming in {J}ava with Statistics and Event Monitoring}, month = {July}, year = {2012}, pages = {}, keywords = {epochx, genetic programming, framework, java, statistics}, note = {}, doi = {}, url = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2012/3212}, publication_type = {inproceedings}, submission_id = {19709_1336934479}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 Genetic and Evolutionary Conference Companion (GECCO 2012)}, address = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {ACM Press}, refereed = {yes}, }