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Service-Based Software: The Future for Flexible Software
Tuesday 21 November 2000 16:00 Brian Spratt Room
Professor Keith Bennett
Department of Computing Science
University of Durham

For the past 40 years, the techniques, processes and methods of software development have been dominated by supply-side issues, giving rise to a software industry oriente d towards developers rather than users. To achieve the levels of functionality, flexibility and time to market required by users, a radical shift is required in the development of software, with a more demand-centric view leading to software which will be delivered as a service within the framework of an open marketplace. Already, there are some signs that this approach is being adopted by industry but in a very limited way. I shall summarise research and a research method which has resulted in a long-term strategic view of software engineering innovation. Based on this foundation, I'll then describe more recent work, which has resulted in an innovative demand-side model for the future of software. I'll propose a service architecture in which components may be bound instantly, just at the time they are needed and then the binding may be discarded. A major benefit of this approach is that it leads to highly flexible and agile software, that should be able to meet rapidly changing business needs.

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