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Managerial and technical issues arising from the growth of the JANET customer base and the network architecture
Tuesday 27 February 2001 16:00 Brian Spratt Room
Geoff McMullen

For some twenty years, the United Kingdom has invested in a common network for connecting Higher Education and Research institutions. The network (called JANET - the "Joint Academic Network") has grown in two senses: the range of institutions attached to the network has developed to include most aspects of the "lifelong learning agenda"; and the technology has developed. The network backbone capacity has increased from some 4.8 kilobits per second to 2.5 gigabits per second - 500,000 times, and the network has been part of the Internet for ten years.

The organisations responsible for the management of JANET wrestle constantly with important questions:

  • Why does the UK need such a network?
  • Whom should it serve?
  • Who should pay?
  • How should the operators find out what the users want?
  • How is quality of service defined, achieved and measured?
  • Can the technology cope?
Mr McMullen will address these question for some 40 minutes and will be happy to engage in discussion on any topic afterwards.

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Last modified Friday June 22 16:03:12 BST 2001
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