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Abstract for Seminar

From the Wet to the Dry: an artist goes digital
Tuesday 9th March 2004 16:00 Brian Spratt Room
Tom Kemp
Twice Publishing

Tom Kemp is an artist. He trained with the most traditional techniques and materials but has found extraordinary ways of using computers to change his practice. The talk will explain how an artist deals with digital possbilities and how they can deepen an understanding of the human world.


Tom Kemp studied lettering and formal writing for many years before turning to abstract art about seven years ago. He also has a background in Computer Science which has helped in his transition to digital techniques. Kemp has had several solo exhibitions in London and abroad and has taught across Europe and the USA. His next exhibition will be from 6th - 30th May at the Rivington Gallery, Rivington Street, London E1.

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