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Abstract for Seminar

Journeys in Non-Classical Computation (a UK Grand Challenge in Computing Research)
Tuesday 23rd November 2004 16:00 Brian Spratt Room
Professor Susan Stepney
University of York

Today's computing, classical computing, is an extraordinary success story. However, there is a growing appreciation that it encompasses an extremely small subset of all computational possibilities. The Grand Challenge of Non-Classical Computation seeks to bring about a reconceptulisation of computation itself. The various forms of non-classical computation - bio-inspired algorithms, open complex adaptive systems, embodied computation, quantum computation, and more - will not supersede classical computation. However, they will augment and enrich it. This Grand Challenge seeks to explore, generalise, and unify all the many diverse non-classical computational paradigms, to produce a fully mature and rich science of all forms of computation, that unifies the classical and non-classical computational paradigms.

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