School of Computing

Checking process-oriented operating system behaviour using csp and refinement

Frederick R. M. Barnes and Carl G. Ritson

SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 43(4):182-196, December 2009 [doi].


Process orientation is an approach to concurrency that uses concepts of processes and message-passing communication, with whole systems constructed from layered and dynamically evolving networks of communicating processes. The work described in this paper relates to the automatic model generation and verification of systems developed in process-oriented languages. We discuss some early applications of this technique to our experimental operating system, RMoX, as a means to giving a guarantee of correct system behaviour at a range of levels.

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Bibtex Record

author = {Frederick R. M. Barnes and Carl G. Ritson},
title = {Checking Process-Oriented Operating System Behaviour using CSP and Refinement},
month = {December},
year = {2009},
pages = {182-196},
keywords = {determinacy analysis, Craig interpolants},
note = {},
doi = {10.1145/1713254.1713265},
url = {},
    publication_type = {article},
    submission_id = {28487_1267011570},
    ISSN = {0163-5980},
    journal = {SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev.},
    volume = {43},
    number = {4},
    publisher = {ACM},

School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF

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Last Updated: 21/03/2014