School of Computing

Programming Languages and Systems: RMoX

A Lightweight, Flexible and Concurrent Operating System

RMoX logo


Support: EPSRC (EP/D061822/1)

RMoX is an experimental operating-system programmed largely in occam-pi. It's aims are to provide an OS which is:

  • scalable, from embedded systems through to massively parallel supercomputers
  • flexible, meeting the demands of a various environments/industries
  • lightweight, using the available hardware resources efficiently

The official RMoX home-page is at, but other resources are available from CSProjects, here:

A bootable image, that can be booted by GRUB or Etherboot, can be downloaded here: The default build is for an Intel Pentium or AMD architecture (we are testing with QEMU, AMD Geode and Intel based PC/104+ boards).


Selected publications:

Other publications:

  • A CSP Model for Mobile Channels. P.H. Welch and Frederick R.M. Barnes. In Peter H. Welch, Susan Stepney, Fiona A.C. Polack, Frederick R.M. Barnes, Alistair A. McEwan, Gardner S. Stiles, Jan F. Broenink, and Adam T. Sampson, editors, Communicating Process Architectures 2008, volume 66 of Concurrent Systems Engineering, pages 17-33, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2008. WoTUG, IOS Press. (more details) (pdf)download publication

  • RMoX: A raw-metal occam experiment. Fred Barnes, Christian Jacobsen, and Brian Vinter. In J.F. Broenink and G.H. Hilderink, editors, Communicating Process Architectures 2003, volume 61 of Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, pages 269-288, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2003. IOS Press. (more details) (pdf)download publication

PhD studentships:

Project support:


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Refs.: EP/D061822/1

School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF

Enquiries: +44 (0)1227 824180 or contact us.

Last Updated: 28/06/2013