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What is HTML?

HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It is the main language that is used to describe how the web page looks. You can create a number of objects like lists, tables and links. These are created using tags. Angle brackets are used with keywords to create tags. An example of a tag is <html>.

A web browser reads the HTML document and then display the document as a web page.

What is the purpose of this website?

The purpose of this website is to inform you about HTML. From the information on this website you should be able to create your own webpage.

To effectively use this tutorial, we recommend you read thoroughly through each of the sections before moving on to the exam at the end.
To navigate through the site use the buttons on the left hand side of the page, or the "next" and "previous" links at the bottom of each page.

There is a 20 question test which is on the whole of the website. Once you have answered the question you can see what mark you got. these questions can be access from the bottom of each page, or in the utility bar, also located at the bottom of the page in the fotter.

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