School of Computing

Programming Languages and Systems: KRoC

Kent Retargetable occam-pi Compiler

KRoC logo


Teaching: CO631

The Kent Retargetable occam-pi Compiler (KRoC), provides a range of tools and libraries for running concurrent occam-pi programs on the Intel i386 and compatible family of processors, under Linux, FreeBSD, Mac-OSX and Cygwin (for Windows).

The following links may be of interest:

About the occam-pi language:

occam-pi is a process-oriented languages that builds on traditional occam, adding support for dynamics and mobility. This allows, for instance, networks of processes to dynamically evolve over time, creating new processes and reconfiguring connections between existing processes.


David Wood
Mario Schweigler

Selected publications:

Other publications:

School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF

Enquiries: +44 (0)1227 824180 or contact us.

Last Updated: 28/06/2013