Dominic Orchard,   School of Computing,   University of Kent




  • 29th October 2014 - Coeffects: contextual effects / the dual of effects - Invited talk, Meeting on Effects and Coeffects systems and their use for resource control, Dundee [slides]
  • 27th October 2014 - Constructuing analysis-directed semantics - University of Strathclyde, Mathematically Structured Programming Group Seminar, Glasgow [slides]
  • 20th October 2014 - Timing and verifying concurrent instruments MRG Seminar, Department of Computing, Imperial College London [slides]
  • 6th September 2014 Temporal semantics for a live coding language FARM 2014 (Functional art, music, and modelling) workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden [slides]
  • 4th September 2014 - Embedding effect systems in Haskell, Haskell Symposium 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden [video] [slides]
  • 28th July 2014 - Evolving Fortran types with inferred units-of-measure, Workshop on Programming Language Evolution, ECOOP, 2014, Uppsala, Sweden, [slides]
  • 17th June 2014 - Dualising effect systems to understand resources and context dependence, Mobility Reading Group, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK [slides]
  • 12th June 2014 - A computational science agenda for programming language research, International Conference of Computational Science 2014, Cairns, Australia [slides]
  • 2nd June 2014 - A computational science agenda for programming language research, Digital Technology Group, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
  • 26th March 2014 - Separating concerns for better reproducibility (lightning talk), Software Sustainibility Institute, Collaborations Workshop 2014, Oxford, UK
  • 12th March 2014 - Fun with Indexed Monads, Fun in the Afternoon, hosted at Facebook, London [Slides and code]


  • 12th November 2013 - Upgrading Fortran source code using automatic refactoring and lightweight verification extensions, Cambridge Centre for Climate Science, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
  • 27th October 2013 - Upgrading Fortran soure code using automatic refactoring, Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT'13) at SPLASH 2013, Indianapolis, USA [slides]
  • 21st October 2013 - Upgrading Fortran soure code using automatic refactoring, DTG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 25th September 2013 - Automatic SIMD vectorization for Haskell ICFP (International Conference on Functional Programming) 2013, Boston, MA, USA [slides]
  • 17th September 2013 - Automatic SIMD vectorization for Haskell CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge, UK [slides]


  • 13th November 2012 - Programs in context - Intelligent and Adaptive Systems Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick [slides]
  • 5th November 2012 - Programs in context - Digital Technology Group Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge
  • 30st August 2012 - A Notation for Comonads - Implementation and Application of Functional Languages 2012 (IFL'12), Oxford, UK [slides] [video].
  • 22nd June 2012 - A Notation for Comonads, Context, and Intensional Programming - Algebra of Programming informal seminar, Department of Computer Science, Oxford, UK
  • 13th June 2012 - Mathematical Structures for Data Types with Restricted Parametericity, Trends in Functional Programming 2012, St. Andrews, Scotland [slides]
  • 8th June 2012 - Mathematical Structures for Data Types with Restricted Parametericity, CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge
  • 27th April 2012 - The Unreasonable Effectivness of (High School) Mathematics, 5th Annual Jesus College Graduate Conference, Cambridge [slides] [video]
  • 23rd Februrary 2012 - Coeffect systems: capturing context-dependence, University of Strathclyde, Mathematically Structured Programming Group Seminar, Glasgow (slides on request)


  • 27th October 2011 - The Four Rs of Programming Language Design, Onward! Essay Presentation, SPLASH 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • 7th October 2011 - Coeffect Systems and Typing - (with Tomas Petricek), CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge [slides]
  • 7th September 2011 - Efficient and Correct Stencil Computations via Pattern Matching and Type Checking - IFIP Working Conference on DSLs, DSL 2011, Bordeaux, France [slides]
  • 2nd September 2011 - Efficient and Correct Stencil Computations via Pattern Matching and Type Checking - CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge
  • 2nd June 2011 - Programming with Comonads and Codo Notation - Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Cybernetics, Estonia [slides]
  • 20th May 2011 - When Monads and Comonads Overlap - CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge
  • 13th May 2011 - Programming with Comonads and Codo Notation - CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge


  • 26th November 2010 - repeat lecture - Mathematically Structuring Programming Languages - Research Students Lecture Course, Cambridge, UK. [slides, notes, and examples]
  • 20th August 2010 - Rethinking Language Design for Parallelization, Intel Labs, Santa Clara, California, USA [slides]
  • 2nd June 2010 - Programming with monads combined with comonads - ICFP PC Workshop 2010, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK [slides]
  • 14th May 2010 - lecture - Mathematically Structuring Programming Languages - Research Students Lecture Course, Cambridge, UK. [slides, notes, and examples]
  • 21st April 2010 - Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed - FLOPS 2010, Sendai, Japan (given as a video talk due to continued airflight restrictions in the UK at the time) [slides] [video]
  • 17th February 2010 - Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed - Fun in the Afternoon, Standard Chartered Bank, London [slides]
  • 12th February 2010 - Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed - CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge
  • 19th January 2010 - Ypnos: Declarative, Parallel Structured Grid Programming, DAMP '10, Madrid, Spain [slides]


  • 20th November 2009 - Ypnos: Declarative, Parallel Structured Grid Programming, CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge [slides]
  • 1st May 2009 - Programming Language Design, Jesus College Graduate Symposium '09 [slides]
  • 7th April 2009 - Lucian: Dataflow and Object Orientation - BCTCS '09, University of Warwick, UK [slides] [abstract]
  • 13th March 2009 - Interoperation of Lucid's Dataflow paradigm and Object-orientation with a Coalgebraic Semantics - CPRG Seminar, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge